Caldwell Arts Academy celebrates fifth annual Dia de los Muertos event with community

Papel picado, the traditional tissue paper used for Mexican decoration, hung on Woldert Street, overlooking an artisan market of local Hispanic businesses, featuring homemade goods inspired by Mexican culture.

Inside the Caldwell Arts Academy auditorium were a mix of media artwork from kindergarten through eighth-grade students. The event also featured music from the Caldwell Mariachi band and local Aztec and traditional Mexican Ballet Folklorico dancers.

All in celebration of one of the most celebrated holidays in Mexico history – Día de los Muertos. Also known as the Day of the Dead.

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“We started celebrating Dia De Los Muertos at Caldwell because we have such a large Hispanic population of students and we really wanted to learn about their culture and heritage,” said Jennifer Vaughn, visual arts teacher for kindergarten through fifth grade at Caldwell Academy. “It really is the perfect event because it brings together art and music and family and tradition.”

Celebrated on Nov. 1 and Nov. 2, Día de los Muertos honors and celebrates loved ones who have passed away. It is a time for families to come together and remember those who have impacted their lives. Colorful and elaborate altars, known as ofrendas, characterize the holiday.

“Dia de los Muertos is an important cultural celebration that allows our campus to integrate our visual and digital arts program with our community heritage,” Principal Bobby Markle said in a press release. “It is a great honor to host this event, and we are proud of our community’s investment in our students’ work each year.”

“The kids all learn about it in their classes and we go over the symbolism and some of the traditions and what it’s about and get and talk about what goes on the ofrendas… what doesn’t go on the ofrendas” Vaughn said.

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Ofrendas are traditionally adorned with photos, flowers, candles, and personal mementos. Students, staff, and the community provided pictures of their loved ones for the ofrenda, making this event even more meaningful to those attending.

“The kids also get to choose art to do that represents Day of the Dead to them,” Vaughn said. “They might choose to draw an ofrenda in digital art or they might make a sculpture and a visual art. There’s all kinds of different things that they are able to draw or use, but they usually have to figure out something that represents what they feel and then put that into the artwork somehow.”

One of the most recognizable decorations is the bright orange marigold, which is said to lead souls from their burial place to their family homes by its fragrance.

“When we picked up the flowers from Flowers by Dora – as she donated lots of marigolds – she said the whole week, her shop smelled like Mexico and it made her miss home,” Vaughn said.

The teachers and staff at Caldwell Arts Academy look forward to this event, as it unites the students and the community and gives them a spotlight on their culture.

“One of the first things I asked them when we started learning about Dia de La Martos is raise your hand if you or your family are from Mexico,” said Gwen Riggs, another visual arts teacher for kindergarten through fifth grade at Caldwell Academy. “And it’s usually about half the class. So, they’re very excited for their classmates to learn about their culture and tradition… and they’re excited to talk about their grandmother in Mexico, or they have a friend there, or that they celebrate Day of the Dead with their family here. It’s always so colorful and exciting to celebrate with our students.”

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