Casting Literally Makes Or Breaks A Film, And These 17 Examples Of Horrible And Great Casts Prove It

Look, you don’t mess with perfection. A lot of the casting in this remake was just sort of…fine. The characters just felt sort of flat, and none of them are very memorable — not even Charlie. I couldn’t tell you a single thing about Grandpa Joe in this movie, and Helena Bonham Carter feels like a weird choice for Charlie’s mom.

But the number one issue is, of course, Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka. He’s beyond creepy, without any of the understated zany charm Gene Wilder imbued the character with. Without that, all the messed-up things that happen in the story just feel sort of…dark and messed up, and it really begins to feel like a horror film. Bad, bad, bad!

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