New AI for a new era of discovery
As the legend goes, in 1665, Sir Isaac Newton sat in his garden at Woolsthorpe Manor in England and looked on as a lone apple dropped from a tree branch, falling straight down. This chance encounter led Newton to begin the work that led to his famous theory of gravity. While this idea would shape the modern…
Artificial Intelligence Conversations Continue on Campus
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in educational settings has been increasing over the last two years. According to an ACT Survey in 2023, 46% of surveyed students reported using AI tools for school assignments. Sixty-two percent of the students surveyed also noted that their teachers did not permit the use of AI for…
11 best sci-fi anime series expanding on artificial intelligence
In the expansive realm of anime, few genres hold sway like science fiction. Amidst this landscape, the exploration of artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a recurring motif, granting audiences a glimpse into potential futures where machines possess consciousness, emotions, and agency. From dystopian landscapes to advanced civilisations, these anime series delve into the ethical,…
The Difference Is the Data: Drug Discovery’s AI Revolution
During her PhD training years a decade ago, Kathleen Elison would ride her purple Huffy cruiser bike from her laboratory, housed at the Flower Building at City of Hope, to a neighboring microscopy facility. With her advisor, Jacob Berlin, PhD, associate professor in the department of molecular medicine, Elison was developing an ultradense microarray chip…
Risklick debuts new AI software that writes clinical trial protocols
A Swiss startup called Risklick has launched artificial intelligence software for clinical trials that the company claims can reduce development time and costs by as much as 35%, according to an April 23 release. The software, Protocol AI, is designed to cut down on the time it takes to come up with a study protocol—a…
Can Artificial Intelligence Make Insurance More Affordable?
AI rapidly transforms industries by optimizing processes, enhancing data analytics and creating smarter, more efficient systems. Traditionally, the insurance sector determines pricing by manually analyzing various factors — including coverage type — to calculate risk and set premiums. Imagine harnessing AI’s power to sift through massive datasets more accurately and efficiently. It promises faster service…
Artificial intelligence revolutionizing the M&A horizon
<!– –> Artificial intelligence revolutionizing the M&A horizon, CIO News, ET CIO <!– –> <!– –> <!– We have updated our terms and conditions and privacy policy Click “Continue” to accept and continue with ET CIO –> <!– X We use cookies to ensure best experience for you We use cookies and other tracking technologies…
AI Robot Named Commencement Speaker In Western New York
Year after year, a commencement speaker is chosen at various schools in Western New York to help celebrate the graduating class and offer them words of wisdom to carry with them after they walk off campus for the very last time. However, many people are skeptical about what kind of “words of wisdom” this commencement…
AUTHORS’, PERFORMERS’ AND OTHER CREATIVE WORKERS’ ORGANISATIONS JOINT STATEMENT ON GENERATIVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE EU AI ACT With 12 other authors’, performers’ & creative workers’ organisations, we stated again the necessity of an effective implementation of the EU #AIAct. Our fundamental rights as authors and performers need to be protected and transparency must be…
AI and the future of freelancers
In any industry, we often need some services for which we have to find an appropriate person, an individual who is not present in our organization. So we usually take the help of a person who can do that task without hiring them. We usually call them a freelancer. Freelancers have been very useful in…