Category: Auto Shows and Events

  • Butler Plaza to host 4th Annual International Car Show on October 26

    Butler Plaza to host 4th Annual International Car Show on October 26

    Press release from Butler Enterprises GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Butler Enterprises will host the Fourth Annual International Car Show on Saturday, October 26, from 9 a.m. to noon at Butler Town Center. The show will feature a stunning collection of vehicles spanning decades, from beloved brands like Mercedes, Audi, Ford, Ducati, and Harley-Davidson; all makes and…

  • Auto enthusiasts revel in Tamaqua Car Show

    Auto enthusiasts revel in Tamaqua Car Show

    TAMAQUA — Something about the 1926 Ford Model A prompted Brockton resident Gary Schmauch to peer inside. × This page requires Javascript. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. Please enable it in your browser settings. Trending Stories

  • Church car show attracting more vehicles and guests

    Church car show attracting more vehicles and guests

    Cars, Coffee and Christ was Saturday in the parking lot of St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Woodlyn. The two-hour event in conjunction with Immanuel and Norwood Lutheran churches event drew a couple dozen vehicles in total and a few dozen people in total, organizers said. Car owners and fans always enjoy a cup of coffee…

  • Electric vehicle group to host EV car show at Toledo Technology Academy

    <!– (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i[‘GoogleAnalyticsObject’]=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,’script’,’//’,’ga’); // ga(‘create’, ‘UA-15716261-23’, { ‘name’: ‘abPlayground’ }); *** removing 7/30 per Brian/Nate switch ( { case “pg”: ga(‘create’, ‘UA-15716261-30’, { ‘name’: ‘segmentTracker’ }); ga(‘create’, ‘UA-15716261-24’, { ‘name’: ‘itTracker’ }); ga(‘create’, ‘UA-15716261-35’, { ‘name’: ‘adTracker’}); ga(‘create’, ‘UA-15716261-29’, ‘auto’, {‘name’: ‘itExperiments’ }); break; case “blade”: ga(‘create’, ‘UA-15716261-28’, ‘auto’,{name:”itTracker”}); ga(‘itTracker.send’, ‘pageview’); ga(‘create’,…

  • Classy cars shine in Tamaqua

    Published September 23. 2024 02:49PM A reformatted Tamaqua Summerfest in June prevented a popular car show from taking place. But it seemed nobody had forgotten about the eye-popping trucks and cars owned by local auto enthusiasts. On Sunday, the Jukebox Cruisers Car Club joined with the Tamaqua Historical Society to present the Tamaqua Car Show…

  • Passionate car owners gather for the 3rd annual Snake Mountain Car Show

    Passionate car owners gather for the 3rd annual Snake Mountain Car Show

    Car enthusiasts gathered for the 3rd Annual Snake Mountain Car Show. This year’s event showcased historic vehicles and served as a fundraiser for the Brendon P. Cousino Med-47 Foundation.The foundation is dedicated to honoring the memory of Brendon Cousino, an EMT who tragically lost his life in a car accident in 2015. The nonprofit provides…

  • Service members and law enforcement were supported by ‘The Heroes of Burlington County Car Show’

    Service members and law enforcement were supported by ‘The Heroes of Burlington County Car Show’

    BURLINGTON COUNTY, New Jersey (WPVI) — This Burlington County car show gave vehicle fanatics something to rev up their engines for. Vehicles from the past and present stopped by to benefit organizations that support service members and local law enforcement. Beneficiaries included the Burlington County Military Affairs Committee, a nonprofit that support members of the…

  • The car show you’ve been waiting for — and other fun events coming up

    The car show you’ve been waiting for — and other fun events coming up

    Tehachapi’s favorite car show has a day all its own now and this year will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28, in downtown Tehachapi. The event was created by the Tehachapi Car Club in 1997. Over the years, the event changed hands and Race Communications organized it for a…

  • PHOTOS: Wheels of nostalgia turn at the 44th Street Rod Nationals North in Kalamazoo

    PHOTOS: Wheels of nostalgia turn at the 44th Street Rod Nationals North in Kalamazoo

    KALAMAZOO, Mich. — Classic car fans can expect to find about a thousand or more classic cars at the Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds this weekend. The 44th annual National Street Rod Association Street Rod Nationals North, has made its way to Kalamazoo. Car enthusiasts are set to bring their classic cars from all over the country…

  • Route 66 Cruisin’ Reunion Weekend | 2024 | Ontario, CA

    Route 66 Cruisin’ Reunion Weekend | 2024 | Ontario, CA

    This is the Annual Route 66 Cruisin’ Reunion – car show, cruise, and throw-back cool time!  And it’s two days of fun in the sun! Well, Euclid Avenue is very nicely shaded actually. :0)  Awesome classic cars will be everywhere.  Bands too.  Vendors and food.  You name it. One very special note though.  Part of the…