Ecological forecasts for marine resource management during climate extremes
Abstract Forecasting weather has become commonplace, but as society faces novel and uncertain environmental conditions there is a critical need to forecast ecology. Forewarning of ecosystem conditions during climate extremes can support proactive decision-making, yet applications of ecological forecasts are still limited. We showcase the capacity for existing marine management tools to transition to a…
Young farmers advocate for climate changes, face land-access issues
Young Farmers in Michigan hope the new Farm Bill will include key benefits regarding land access so they can continue to pursue farming passionately. Without generational access to land and institutional knowledge of farming, young farmers face difficulties in entering the industry and building infrastructure for growing their business. Payge Solidago, Michigan organizer with the…
Partisanship and energy efficiency program participation in the USA
Abstract Utilities and municipal governments often implement energy efficiency programs to encourage households to improve the energy efficiency of their residences through measures such as weatherizing their homes, installing insulation, replacing inefficient appliances, setting up solar panels, among others. However, these programs often meet with variable success, with some having relatively few participants despite the…
B.C. supports collaborative marine conservation, economic development on North Coast
The B.C. government is protecting vital coastal ecosystems, creating new jobs and advancing sustainable fisheries and economic opportunities in the Northern Shelf Bioregion (also known as the Great Bear Sea) in partnership with First Nations, the federal government and donors. “People in British Columbia share a deep connection to our coastal waters,” said Premier David…
Bezos Earth Fund Pledges $100 Million to Support Pacific Islands’ Initiative to Create the Largest Conservation Effort Ever
Funding supports the design, implementation of more than 1 billion hectares of ocean across the Blue Pacific Continent DUBAI, UAE, Dec. 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — At COP28, Pacific Islands State Leaders launched a bold new Unlocking Blue Pacific Prosperity initiative to safeguard and revitalize the Blue Pacific Continent. The Bezos Earth Fund applauds and endorses…
Partnership plans for a WYld Showdown
The WYldlife Fund, Wyoming Craft Brewers Guild, and the University of Wyoming’s Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources have teamed up for the WYld Showdown. According to a press release, with the launch of the WYLD Showdown, consumers in breweries across Wyoming can participate in a bracket-style competition via a QR code found on…
Proposed warehouse along Mobile’s Rabbit Creek draws fury of environmental groups
A proposed warehouse park in Theodore has drawn ire from some residents, environmental groups and one member of the Mobile City Council, who argue that the park—which would require filling in wetlands— would damage the Rabbit Creek ecosystem, and by extension, the entire Dog River watershed. “The citizens of Mobile and the environment of Mobile…
Five Win Seats On The Chapter’s Executive Board
November 14 marked the end of the Annual Angeles Chapter Elections. Members cast their ballots both for candidates for the Chapter’s Executive Committee (ExComm) and for leadership of the Chapter’s 13 regional groups. The top vote-getters in the ExComm election were Ellis Raskin, John Monsen, Anneliese Piñeda Klein, Aura Vasquez, and Diane Trautman. These five…
Five Win Seats On The Chapter’s Executive Board
November 14 marked the end of the Annual Angeles Chapter Elections. Members cast their ballots both for candidates for the Chapter’s Executive Committee (ExComm) and for leadership of the Chapter’s 13 regional groups. The top vote-getters in the ExComm election were Ellis Raskin, John Monsen, Anneliese Piñeda Klein, Aura Vasquez, and Diane Trautman. These five…
DEC Announces Seasonal Closure of Certain State Forest Access Roads in Chautauqua County
DEC Announces Seasonal Closure of Certain State Forest Access Roads in Chautauqua County – NYDEC December 04, 2023 Early Winter Conditions Pose Threat to Surface Roads