How environmental conservation is being inspired among Matatiele youth
In the picturesque region of Matatiele in the Eastern Cape, an organisation called Environmental and Rural Solutions (ERS) has been quietly making a profound impact for the past 21 years. ERS is dedicated to addressing a range of critical issues in the local rural community, with a strong focus on environmental conservation, sustainable agriculture, community…
Lessons learnt and best practice exchanges of Melanesian countries to advance the local and global conservation agenda
The sub regional capacity building workshop of Melanesian countries, focussed on Protected and Conserved Areas, was held at the Holiday Inn & Suites in Port Moresby from 25 – 27 October 2023. Officiated by the Acting Deputy Managing Director of CEPA, Mr Michael Bongro, the workshop provided a platform for knowledge exchange and cooperation. In…
Opinion: Moving environmental concerns higher
Opinion Advice. Everybody’s got advice. As our new premier is no doubt finding out, much of this advice will either be quite unrealistic or self-serving or both. On the quite fantastic and probably unrealistic assumption that mine is neither, here goes. The appointment of Tracy Schmidt as minister of Environment and Climate Change has received…
RSPB to give under-24s free access to its nature reserves in ‘youth revolution’
Europe’s largest wildlife conservation charity is giving free access to all of its reserves for those who are 24 and under as it attempts a “youth revolution” to better engage young people with nature. The two-year pilot programme will be rolled out across the UK from 6 November, the Royal Society for the Protection of…
Australian Conservation Pushes for Urgent Enviro Law Reform
Having reviewed documents summarising proposed changes to Australia’s environment law, the Australian Conservation Foundation’s National Biodiversity Policy Adviser Brendan Sydes said: “Three years to the day since Graeme Samuel delivered to the Morrison government his scathing review of Australia’s environment law, ACF urges the Albanese government to make reform of this law a high priority.…
GOP bloc urges swift passage of farm bill | Food and Environment Reporting Network
Sixty-one House Republicans called on Speaker Mike Johnson for speedy passage of the new farm bill, despite a grim outlook for the legislation expressed by a leading analyst. Work on the farm bill is at an impasse among farm-state lawmakers over crop subsidy and climate funding, with conservatives itching for the chance during floor debate…
Researchers at ESF Build a Map-Based Carbon Accounting System to Help NYS Meet Net-Zero Goal
Newswise — A new report by the Climate & Applied Forest Research Institute (CAFRI) and SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) outlines the development of a map-based carbon accounting system and how it can be an essential tool for New York state to achieve its net-zero emissions target by 2050. Although technologies like…
Would you consider taking care of the environment after you die? Michael has
Quick read In short: As concerns over a warming climate grow, it’s becoming more common for people to consider putting money aside for the environment in their will. Conservation organisations say they’re receiving more enquiries and bequests, something they’re now putting extra effort into encouraging. What’s next? People considering leaving a gift for a not-for-profit are encouraged to…
Ask Eartha: Dealing with all of those leaves
Instead of raking and bagging fall leaves, mow them. It’s less work, and it can be really great for your yard.Getty Images Dear Eartha, My garden and yard are looking spookier than any haunted house, and it’s not Halloween decorations. What’s a ghoul — I mean, gardener — to do with all these fallen leaves…
Dive into guided forest bathing along the banks of the Chattahoochee
Inspired by the Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku, which translates to “forest bathing,” the idea is to immerse yourself in the wooded forest and soak in the therapeutic benefits of being present in nature. This is not a dip in the Chattahoochee. “The idea is the trees actually give off chemicals that help them communicate with…