Gillibrand Pushes for Additional Funding for WIC Nutrition Program
New York’s junior U.S. senator is calling for additional funding for a federal nutrition program geared towards women and children. Kirsten Gillibrand recently issued a letter to House and Senate leadership in her push for $1.4 billion for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). During a recent video conference call…
Supplementary nutrition programme for children affected due to anganwadi workers’ strike
ByVicky Pathare Jan 22, 2024 06:50 AM IST Share Via Copy Link The Supplementary Nutrition Programme (SNP) is the main component of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) to tackle malnutrition PUNE The indefinite strike called by anganwadi workers in Maharashtra, demanding increased monthly honorarium and provision of pension has affected the distribution of supplementary nutritional…
Supplementary nutrition programme for children affected due to anganwadi workers’ strike
ByVicky Pathare Jan 22, 2024 06:50 AM IST Share Via Copy Link The Supplementary Nutrition Programme (SNP) is the main component of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) to tackle malnutrition PUNE The indefinite strike called by anganwadi workers in Maharashtra, demanding increased monthly honorarium and provision of pension has affected the distribution of supplementary nutritional…
Nutrient-Dense Foods for Ill Toddlers & Israeli Strategy Shifts in Lebanon
Nutrient-Dense Foods for Ill Toddlers & Israeli Strategy Shifts in Lebanon The post-holiday season often marks the onset of common illnesses among toddlers returning to school. During this period, their eating patterns can significantly alter, ranging from lack of appetite to selective eating. Ensuring proper nutrition during these times is crucial, especially when they’re dealing…
Unlock the Secrets of Hive Nutrition with New Honey Bee Nutrition Guide
THE BUZZ … Guide gives beekeepers a simple approach to the complex and nuanced world of honey bee nutrition PUBLISHED ON January 21, 2024 “Understanding honey bee nutrition is no simple task, given the intricate social structure and diverse needs within a colony,” said Dr. Priya Basu, Assistant Professor of Pollinator Health and Apiculture at…
What is the healthiest bell pepper? The real difference between red, green and yellow.
Bell peppers are a staple in fajitas, burritos and salads, but did you know they’re not a vegetable? That’s right, despite popular belief, bell peppers are technically a fruit. Botanically speaking, they’re classified as berries, which are fleshy fruits with many seeds. Even jalapeños, the bell pepper’s spicy cousin, are technically fruits. So, does that…
GUEST COLUMN: Why Congress must fully fund the WIC nutrition program
The health and well-being of about 25,000 Colorado families are in jeopardy if Congress does not sufficiently fund a national program for infants, children, and pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum adults. The Special Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) provides food assistance, along with other health and nutrition supports, during pregnancy and…
Senior Meals: Jan. 22-26, 2024, menus listed for Pine River nutrition site
PINE RIVER — The Senior Nutrition Program offers a nutritionally balanced meal for all people and is open again for in-person dining. Masks are no longer mandatory. Meals are served at 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday at the Heartland Apartments, 445 Snell Ave., in Pine River. The suggested voluntary donation is $5 per meal for those over…
Winter Greens: 8 Nutritious Bhatua Saag Lunch Recipes To Try
Bathua lunch recipes As the Winter chill sets in, a bunch of fresh leafy greens have taken over the mandis, with bathua saag being one of them. With its distinctive flavour and nutritional richness, the bathua saag is best known for perfectly and deliciously complimenting the colder months. Renowned for its earthy undertones and a…
8 amazing health benefits of drinking cranberry tea
Cranberry tea is a delightful and healthy beverage. Here are the benefits of cranberry tea on your health and its side effects. Cranberry tea is a delightful organic beverage that has been used as a home remedy for ages. This tea is made from the fruit of the cranberry plant and has a light flavour…