Colorado music, stage and art events starting Dec. 28
AX: axs.com CW: comedyworks.com TM: ticketmaster.com MUSIC Friday: Dan Hochman, Thom LaFond, Wellington Bullings — 8 p.m., Fox Theatre, Boulder, $18-$20; AX. Saturday: Brother Ali & the Grouch & Eligh — With Respect the Voices, 9 p.m., Fox Theatre, Boulder, $29.50-$35; AX. Saturday-Sunday: CloZee — With Vincent Antone, Yoko, Daggz, 8 p.m., Mission Ballroom, Denver, $70-$80; AX. Saturday-Sunday:…
Alfred University Summer Arts 2024 registration is open
ALFRED — Registration is open for Alfred Summer Arts 2024, which has something for everyone. Spend a day, a week or the month in Alfred University’s studios. Summer Arts 2024 runs from June 24 to July 19 and features workshops in a variety of media areas designed for participants working at all levels: artists, high…
Ohio Star Theater show lineup
Crooners, comedians and country music on tap at Ohio Star Theater News Sports Entertainment Best of the Best Lifestyle Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals Wooster Daily Record USA TODAY NETWORK Yakov Smirnoff will do two shows at Ohio Star Theater in January. Dinner and a show are a nice escape from the holiday rush. Tribute shows…
Elgin News Digest: ECC completing updates to visual, performing arts facilities; South Elgin police, AID holding clothing, necessities drive; East Dundee seeking entries for Black + White Art Show
South Elgin Police Department and AID (Association for Individual Development) are holding a winter clothing and necessities drive through Wednesday, Jan. 31. A collection bin for clothing, gloves/mittens, gift cards and other items has been placed in the lobby of village hall/police station at 10 N. Water St., according to a news release. Advertisement The…
Public memorial being held at the Center for Performing Arts for Loring Park grocer
Public memorial being held at the Center for Performing Arts for Loring Park grocer – CBS Minnesota Watch CBS News A public memorial will take place on Thursday from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Center for Performing Arts to celebrate and remember Robert Skafte. Skafte was killed earlier this month after being impaled…
12 28 NB Concert All Showbiz.jpg
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Ellensburg completes feasibility study for new performing arts venue
Centerfuse, Ellensburg’s economic development authority, has just completed a feasibility study for a new performing arts venue to accommodate the needs of what they call a “growing and thriving” local arts and culture movement. “We’re focused on connecting businesses with the resources they need to start, grow, and prosper,” said executive director Kristine Miller. “We…
A public memorial for slain grocery store employee will be held at the Center for Performing Arts Thursday
MINNEAPOLIS — A public memorial for slain grocery store employee, Robert Skafte, will be held at the Center for Performing Arts from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. on Thursday. The 66-year-old was found behind the counter of Oak Grove Grocery in Loring Park on Dec. 8 “with a golf club impaled through his torso,” the department said…
Tar Heel Treasure: Thalian Hall
WILMINGTON, N.C. — In 2023, Thalian Hall celebrated is 156th year. The Hall, located in Downtown Wilmington, has a rich history, operating to this day, as both the city hall and a place for the performing arts. What You Need To Know Thalian Hall is used as a performing arts center as well as a government…
First Look: Frisco ISD Visual and Performing Arts Center
Frisco Independent School District recently revealed blueprints for a visual and performing arts center (VPAC) boasting 1,200 seats, versatile areas and an art gallery for district-wide use. The voter-approved VPAC endorsed through a bond election in 2018, will establish a shared environment for events and competitions while offering an expanded venue for fine arts presentations. Between…