The Southeast Asian Biosphere Reserves Network fosters Community Engagement to Achieve Sustainability
The 14th SeaRBnet meeting was hosted by Malaysia through the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Environment – Sabah, Sabah Parks, and UNESCO Jakarta, with support from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, through the Japanese Funds-in-Trust (JFIT). The 15th SeaBRnet meeting will be hosted by Indonesia in April 2024, on…
Weighing natural medicine vs. pharmaceutical to treat sickle cell
My mother-in-law is a firm believer in nature’s medications. Her faith in the healing power of plants stems from the lush soils of her Nigerian town, where she grows her food and medicine. Her way of living reflects her ideals, with the majority of her food coming straight from her farm. Her visits are typically…
Weighing natural medicine vs. pharmaceutical to treat sickle cell
My mother-in-law is a firm believer in nature’s medications. Her faith in the healing power of plants stems from the lush soils of her Nigerian town, where she grows her food and medicine. Her way of living reflects her ideals, with the majority of her food coming straight from her farm. Her visits are typically…
Finance for Biodiversity Foundation launches nature target-setting framework
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Singing to babies is vital to help them understand language, say scientists
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P … How many would read this to that tune? According to scientists from the University of Cambridge, there’s more to the earworm than infuriating parents across the English-speaking world – they have found that singsong speech is crucial to…
Over 150 Non-State Actors sign Call to Action calling for transformation of food systems for people, nature and climate
At COP28, Broad Coalition of Farmers and Frontline Communities, Business, Philanthropy, and Cities send strong message to assembled world leaders and the global community through a shared Non-State Actors Call to Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate. Calling for a set of global targets and transition pathways by COP29 at the…
Science that Sleighs: Christmas 2023 kicks-off with Christmas Lectures at the University of Warwick
Christmas landed at the University of Warwick this week, as the Christmas Lectures returned for another year. They featured some of the University’s most esteemed scientists stepping out of their labs to amaze attendees in the spirit of Christmas. Scientists Ally Caldecote and Alex Baker, among others, took centre stage, presenting an evening brimming with…
COP28 live: Dangers of climate change are no longer distant risks, King tells COP28
King Charles has laid out a series of questions he says might inform the task ahead of the summit. Firstly, how can organisations – public, private, philanthropic, charities – be strengthened for the crisis the world faces. Secondly, the King says it is crucial “finance flows” to those developments which are most essential to a…
Book Review: The Ripple Effects of Climate Breakdown in Nature
There is a moment in Verdi’s Requiem when the hushed, somber tones that end the first movement give way to the lacerating chaos of the second. The Verdi scholar Julian Budden once described this second movement, the Dies Irae (literally, “day of wrath”), as “an unearthly storm,” with its “tutti thunderclaps” and swirling scales. It…
Writing dissected, and big answers to simple questions: Books in brief
Symbols Richard Sproat Springer (2023) Linguists differ on what counts as writing. Inclusivists use the term to cover mathematical symbols and emoji, whereas exclusivists accept only symbol systems with a phonetic element, such as European alphabets and Chinese characters. Computational linguist Richard Sproat is an exclusivist. His ambitious, in-depth book is the first systematic study…