Category: Science and Nature

  • International team, ASU make ‘shocking’ discovery about Earth’s lower mantle – The Arizona State Press

    International team, ASU make ‘shocking’ discovery about Earth’s lower mantle – The Arizona State Press

    Researchers from ASU, in collaboration with the Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation des Lasers Intenses, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Sorbonne Université, simulated the inner conditions of the Earth in their study published last month in Science Advances. In order to do this, they exposed olivine, an igneous mineral created within the Earth’s mantle, to an X-ray-free…

  • The Science of Staying Warm in Winter

    The Science of Staying Warm in Winter

    Keeping Warm Is About Physics  Even if the chance of snow is remote in most parts of North Carolina, the temperature is dropping. And that means it’s time for the daily self-quiz in front of the closet: “What should I wear to stay warm?”  Your first thought of grabbing the heaviest coat might be fine…

  • Shotgun metagenomes from productive lakes in an urban region of Sweden

    Shotgun metagenomes from productive lakes in an urban region of Sweden

    Abstract Urban lakes provide multiple benefits to society while influencing life quality. Moreover, lakes and their microbiomes are sentinels of anthropogenic impact and can be used for natural resource management and planning. Here, we release original metagenomic data from several well-characterized and anthropogenically impacted eutrophic lakes in the vicinity of Stockholm (Sweden). Our goal was…

  • CRISPR and ‘e-ink’: new tools could reveal the secrets of cuttlefish camouflage

    CRISPR and ‘e-ink’: new tools could reveal the secrets of cuttlefish camouflage

    A Sepia bandensis cuttlefish displaying ‘wave’ patterns. The patterns’ function is unknown.Credit: Tessa Montague Washington DC Cuttlefish are masters of disguise: in milliseconds, they can drastically alter their skin pattern to blend in with their surroundings, a feat made all the more puzzling by their apparent colour-blindness. Now, new findings and tools are allowing researchers…

  • In his new CBC role, Anthony Morgan becomes a force of nature

    In his new CBC role, Anthony Morgan becomes a force of nature

    It was when he got a job at the Ontario Science Centre as a “Host” that Anthony Morgan really fell in love with science (Photograph courtesy of CBC) When Anthony Morgan was in high school, he didn’t particularly like science. Morgan, who is currently pursuing a PhD in molecular science at Toronto Metropolitan University, always…

  • m6A methylation of super-enhancer RNAs facilitates chromatin accessibility

    m6A methylation of super-enhancer RNAs facilitates chromatin accessibility

    Previous studies reported an effect of N6-methyladenosine (m6A) of super-enhancer RNAs (seRNAs) on chromatin accessibility and gene transcription. We investigated seRNA m6A levels in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and found that aberrantly increased m6A methylation promoted local chromatin accessibility, resulting in increased transcription of oncogenes acting in PDAC progression. This is a preview of subscription…

  • Scientific illustration: striking the balance between creativity and accuracy

    Scientific illustration: striking the balance between creativity and accuracy

    Your browser does not support the audio element. Download MP3 See transcript In the third episode of this six-part Working Scientist podcast series about art and science, artists and illustrators describe examples where accuracy is key, but also ones where they can exert some artistic licence in science-based drawings, sculptures, music and installations. For Lucy…

  • Spatio-temporal evolution of land use and its eco-environmental effects in the Caohai National Nature Reserve of China

    Spatio-temporal evolution of land use and its eco-environmental effects in the Caohai National Nature Reserve of China

    Abstract With the rapid development of social economy, the ecological environment problems caused by the change of wetland land use have been widely concerned. This paper takes the Caohai National Nature Reserve (CNNR) of China as the research object on the basis of referring to previous research results. Firstly, the remote sensing data was employed…

  • A mass balance principle for finding loose ends in cancer genomes

    A mass balance principle for finding loose ends in cancer genomes

    We present an analysis that shows that although nearly half of the human genome comprises repetitive sequences, recombination between homologous repeats has a minor role in cancer chromosomal evolution. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Access through your institution Change institution Buy or subscribe /* style specs start…

  • Gamma In Addition to Neutron Tomography (GIANT) at the NECTAR instrument

    Gamma In Addition to Neutron Tomography (GIANT) at the NECTAR instrument

    Abstract The NECTAR instrument provides access to thermal and fast neutrons which are suitable for non-destructive inspection of large and dense objects. Scintillators are used in combination with a camera system for radiography and tomography. Gamma-rays are produced as inevitable by-products of the neutron production. Furthermore, these gamma-rays are highly directional due to their constraint…