Category: Science and Nature

  • Who should pay for open-access publishing? APC alternatives emerge

    Who should pay for open-access publishing? APC alternatives emerge

    In April, the entire editorial boards of two companion neuroimaging journals resigned. The 42 researchers were protesting against what they thought to be excessive article-processing charges (APCs) for authors publishing in the journals, which are run by Dutch publishing giant Elsevier. The APC for NeuroImage is US$3,450, and its sister journal NeuroImage: Reports has doubled…

  • The world’s chemical-weapons stockpiles are gone — but a new challenge looms

    The world’s chemical-weapons stockpiles are gone — but a new challenge looms

    This year, my colleagues at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) — which implements the Chemical Weapons Convention, an arms-control treaty that entered into force in 1997 — and I reached a milestone: we verified that the last remaining declared stockpiles of chemical weapons in the world had been destroyed. Now, the…

  • Exposure to climate change information predicts public support for solar geoengineering in Singapore and the United States

    Exposure to climate change information predicts public support for solar geoengineering in Singapore and the United States

    Abstract Solar geoengineering is a controversial climate policy measure that could lower global temperature by increasing the amount of light reflected by the Earth. As scientists and policymakers increasingly consider this idea, an understanding of the level and drivers of public support for its research and potential deployment will be key. This study focuses on…

  • The deep route to low-field MRI with high potential

    The deep route to low-field MRI with high potential

    Man, C. et al. Sci. Adv. 9, eadi9327 (2023). Article  PubMed  Google Scholar  Lauterbur, P. C. Nature 242, 190–191 (1973). Article  Google Scholar  Hennig, J. MAGMA 36, 335–346 (2023). Article  Google Scholar  Liu, Y. et al. Nature Commun. 12, 7238 (2021). Article  PubMed  Google Scholar  Yuen, M. M. et al. Sci. Adv. 8, eabm3952 (2022).…

  • Unboxing machine learning models for concrete strength prediction using XAI

    Unboxing machine learning models for concrete strength prediction using XAI

    Abstract Concrete is a cost-effective construction material widely used in various building infrastructure projects. High-performance concrete, characterized by strength and durability, is crucial for structures that must withstand heavy loads and extreme weather conditions. Accurate prediction of concrete strength under different mixtures and loading conditions is essential for optimizing performance, reducing costs, and enhancing safety.…

  • DeepMind AI accurately forecasts weather — on a desktop computer

    DeepMind AI accurately forecasts weather — on a desktop computer

    Conventional weather forecasts are the result of intensive processing of data from weather stations around the world.Credit: Carlos Munoz Yague/Look At Science/Science Photo Library Artificial-intelligence (AI) firm Google DeepMind has turned its hand to the intensive science of weather forecasting — and developed a machine-learning model that outperforms the best conventional tools as well as…

  • Scientists discover key to a potential natural cancer treatment’s potency

    Scientists discover key to a potential natural cancer treatment’s potency

    Within the glass vials of the Natural Products Discovery Center at The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology, scientists have discovered two useful new enzymes which may help them create medicines for cancer and other conditions. Credit: Scott Wiseman Slumbering among thousands of bacterial strains in a collection of natural specimens…

  • Kurt Fesenmyer

    Kurt Fesenmyer

    Kurt Fesenmyer is a forest spatial data scientist on the Global Natural Climate Solutions Science Team, which conducts research to motivate and inform the design and implementation of natural climate solutions. His work focuses on measuring and mapping forest management practices that enhance carbon storage, support biodiversity, and provide livelihoods for local communities. Kurt has…

  • Alumna Brings Love of Nature to Washington Metro Residents

    Alumna Brings Love of Nature to Washington Metro Residents

    November 13, 2023 Ana Ka’ahanui, B.A. 1993, is a forest therapy guide and co-founder of Capital Nature. (Catholic University/Patrick G. Ryan) By Anna Capizzi Ana Ka’ahanui, B.A. 1993, is a dendrophile – a lover of trees. Sitting in front of the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center on a warm November day she pointed out three…

  • Nature Finally Retracts That Sketchy Superconductor Paper

    Nature Finally Retracts That Sketchy Superconductor Paper

    This year saw its fair share of superconductor hype, and one of the most controversial papers—originally published in the prestigious journal Nature—has finally been retracted. The original paper reported that a material, dubbed “red matter,” was a room temperature superconductor at 10,000 atmospheric pressure. But the work was immediately scrutinized by scientists. After a months-long…