UMaine after-school science lab partnership celebrates 15 years – UMaine News
Ask any veteran educator what the most important thing an aspiring teacher can do to prepare themselves for a career in the classroom, and they will likely say there’s no substitute for first-hand experience. At the University of Maine’s College of Education and Human Development, “Early and Often” is the motto when it comes to…
Who Will Speak for the Trees? Series presents Reforestation — The Front Line in Our Climate Battle
– Earlier this month, the journal Nature published research results showing the realistic global forest carbon potential is around 226 gigatonnes (Gt) of carbon. That amount is roughly 1/3 of the carbon emitted since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution that is still in the atmosphere. This makes forest carbon one of the most promising…
Scientists paid large publishers over $1 billion in four years to have their studies published with open access
For the last half century, scientists have followed the same method to publish their research. For example, a scientist discovers a treatment for cancer, other researchers check that the data is correct, and the final results are published in a study in an academic journal. If it is not published, it is not science. However,…
Scientists said the ozone hole was recovering. That good news was premature, one study claims
CNN — The recovery of the ozone layer — which sits miles above the Earth and protects the planet from ultraviolet radiation — has been celebrated as one of the world’s greatest environmental achievements. But in a new study published Tuesday, some scientists claim it may not be recovering at all, and that the hole…
Seabed mining will stress jellyfish
By Victoria GillScience correspondent, BBC News Vanessa Stenvers Scientists chose to study a jellyfish species that is ‘representative’ of many creatures that live in deep water An experiment to test how seabed mining could affect deep sea life has revealed unexpected impacts on common jellyfish. There is increasing interest in extracting precious minerals from what…
Mucus-Covered Jellyfish Hint at Dangers of Deep-Sea Mining
Shipboard experiments suggested that sediment from the exploitation of metals in the ocean could be harmful to marine life. A treasure trove of metal is hiding at the bottom of the ocean. Potato-size nodules of iron and manganese litter the seafloor, and metal-rich crusts cover underwater mountains and chimneys along hydrothermal vents. Deep-sea mining companies…
EU lagging behind on antimicrobial resistance research
EU member states are trailing other countries when it comes to research into antimicrobial resistance, a growing public health problem that promises to unleash a “slow pandemic”, undoing some of the gains of modern medicine. Overuse of antibiotics has led to some bacteria developing resistance to current treatments, leading to a growing number of lethal…
An Inside Look at the Effort to Curb Deadly Snakebites in India
Kamala Thiagarajan, Undark As far back as he can remember, Kali Chockalingam, now 53 and living in Echur, a village in South India, has loved snakes. He often got in trouble with his teachers for hiding them in his schoolbag. “As a young boy, I thought they looked like little dolls,” he said. Chockalingam hails…
Why the Thanksgiving myth persists, according to science
Ask someone in the United States to name five events important to the country’s foundation and there’s a good chance they’ll mention the Pilgrims. That’s what researchers found a few years ago when they put that question to some 2,000 people. The Revolutionary War, Declaration of Independence, Christopher Columbus’ “discovery” of the Americas and the…
A Festive, Family Friendly Experience in the Heart of Nature
The holiday season is right around the corner. What better way is there to celebrate with your family than by immersing yourself in the serenity of nature? NBC 5, Telemundo 39 and Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary is pleased to offer “Holidays at the Heard,” a fun and festive family event on December…