Novel light regimes in European forests
Abstract Tree canopies are one of the most recognizable features of forests, providing shelter from external influences to a myriad of species that live within and below the tree foliage. Canopy disturbances are now increasing across European forests, and climate-change-induced drought is a key driver, together with pests and pathogens, storms and fire. These disturbances…
Chemistry is inaccessible: how to reduce barriers for disabled scientists
Having a disability hinders someone’s chances of being a chemist. Statistics are rare, but speak for themselves. For example, an estimated 22% of the UK population declared a disability in 2021. Yet among chemists, a survey by the UK Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) in 2022 found that only 5% of members and none of…
Sizing a lab
Labs range in size, and no one size is likely to fit all. Here some researchers share their lab size experiences and preferences. With lab size, says Lars Juhl Jensen of the University of Copenhagen, who works in proteomics, network biology and text mining, “it’s always a tradeoff.” Getting things done takes a critical mass…
Hamburg collaboration drives cleaner industrial technologies
Newswise — During the nearly five decades of its operation, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Hamburg has developed many fruitful collaborations with other scientific institutions located in the Hamburg metropolitan area. One example is the long-lasting collaboration between researchers at EMBL Hamburg and the Center for Biobased Solutions (CBBS) at the Hamburg University…
Modeling walking accessibility to urban parks using Google Maps crowdsourcing database in the high-density urban environments of Hong Kong
Abstract Accessing urban parks is important for promoting physical activities and improving public health. In this study, we propose the use of Google Maps crowdsourcing data and the incorporation of park attractiveness to model urban park accessibility in the complex urban environments of Hong Kong. The difference between using geometric and route distance, the effect…
Deep, deep down: a day in the life of a subterranean biologist
What caves and underground lakes lack in sunlight and plants, they make up for with an astonishing diversity of fauna: intricately shaped arthropods and other invertebrates, many of which might be new to science. If you’re a subterranean biologist like me, you have to be a competent caver as well as a committed scientist. In…
Collaboration between women helps close the gender gap in ice core science
Abstract Within ice core science, woman-led studies contain 20% more women co-authors than man-led studies, and exceed the estimated proportion of women within the community by nearly 10%. We conclude that collaboration with other women is a key factor in closing gender gaps in science. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your…
New method tracks bluefin tuna’s perilous journey.
Newswise — The return of bluefin tuna to Northern European waters is a conservation success story, but rising sea temperatures in their Mediterranean nursery grounds mean this recovery may be short-lived, according to new research led by the University of Southampton. Temperatures expected in the Mediterranean within the next 50 years are expected to drive…
A dance for the ages: balancing art and science
Reading Time: 3 minutes [email protected] In this series, the lads ask if farming is more science or art. For many years I rowed competitively. In rowing, naturally talented people use long limbs and height to be effective. Anyone on the shorter side, like me, must employ different tactics. We graft to get results. The “10,000…
L’Oréal, Great Barrier Reef Foundation Launch Global Coral Restoration
Great Barrier Reef Foundation The L’Oréal Fund for Nature Regeneration has committed to a decade-long investment aimed at pioneering a world-first method of calculating the value of coral reef biodiversity and support the deployment of heat-tolerant corals. This innovative methodology is expected to stimulate a market for nature rehabilitation, thereby securing crucial funding to safeguard…