Category: Science and Nature

  • Three-pronged approach discerns qualities of quantum spin liquids

    Three-pronged approach discerns qualities of quantum spin liquids

    image:  An illustration of the lattice examined by Phil Anderson in the early ‘70s. Shown as green ellipses, pairs of quantum particles fluctuated among multiple combinations to produce a spin liquid state.  view more  Credit: Allen Scheie/Los Alamos National Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy In 1973, physicist Phil Anderson hypothesized that the quantum spin liquid,…

  • Holiday Gift Books: Science and Nature

    Holiday Gift Books: Science and Nature

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  • Conservation Continues with Extended Farm Bill

    Conservation Continues with Extended Farm Bill

    The following is a statement by Kameran Onley, Managing Director of North American Policy and Government Relations at The Nature Conservancy, after Congress passed a short-term budget deal to avoid a government shutdown that includes a one-year extension of the 2018 Farm Bill: “When Congress let the 2018 Farm Bill expire at the end of…

  • A new ultrasound patch can measure how full your bladder is

    A new ultrasound patch can measure how full your bladder is

    image:  MIT researchers have designed a wearable ultrasound monitor, in the form of a patch, that can image organs within the body without the need for an ultrasound operator or application of gel. view more  Credit: MIT CAMBRIDGE, MA — MIT researchers have designed a wearable ultrasound monitor, in the form of a patch, that…

  • A Q&A with Dr. Tom Delworth, celebrated recipient of the Presidential Rank Award

    A Q&A with Dr. Tom Delworth, celebrated recipient of the Presidential Rank Award

    This year, Dr. Thomas Delworth, a Senior Scientist at NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, received the prestigious Presidential Rank Award. This honor is awarded to a select group of federal employees for their extraordinary achievements. In Dr. Delworth’s case, it recognizes his significant contributions to the field of climate science. Throughout his tenure at GFDL,…

  • Court Orders ‘Balance of Nature’ Products To Cease Sales Due To Fraud

    Court Orders ‘Balance of Nature’ Products To Cease Sales Due To Fraud

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration asked dietary grifters Evig LLC, of St. George Utah, and the company’s CEO, Douglas Lex Howard, as well as Premium Production LLC, of St. George, Utah, and its Manager, Ryan Petersen, to stop selling “Balance of Naure” supplements because they are lying when they claim they can diagnose, cure,…

  • UCSC doctoral graduate wins prestigious Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists

    UCSC doctoral graduate wins prestigious Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists

    Jessica Kendall-Bar, who received her Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology last year from UC Santa Cruz with co-advisors Terrie Williams and Dan Costa, was named a recipient of the prestigious Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists for her research on elephant seal sleep habits while they are at sea. The Science & SciLifeLab…

  • Vanderbilt hosts ‘Nature’ Bioengineering for Global Health conference

    Vanderbilt hosts ‘Nature’ Bioengineering for Global Health conference

    Vanderbilt hosts ‘Nature’ Bioengineering for Global Health conference – The Vanderbilt Hustler Insert Close Modal Window

  • The mind’s eye of a neural network system

    The mind’s eye of a neural network system

    image:  A diagnostic tool for neural networks makes finding errors as easy as spotting mountains from an airplane. view more  Credit: Purdue University image WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – In the background of image recognition software that can ID our friends on social media and wildflowers in our yard are neural networks, a type of artificial…

  • Celebrate Texas Recycles Day at the Heard with Free Admission

    Celebrate Texas Recycles Day at the Heard with Free Admission

    NBC 5, Telemundo 39, and Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary invite you to celebrate Texas Recycles Day. Each visitor who brings a plastic bottle or single-use plastic bag from any retailer on November 18, 24, and 25 receives FREE admission. Help conserve and protect Our Texas and Our Future as you connect with…