New Chemical Process Makes It Easier To Craft Amino Acids That Don’t Exist In Nature
The Amino Acid Glycine – Wikipedia Every protein in your body is made up of the same 20 building blocks called amino acids. But just because nature is stuck with a limited toolkit doesn’t mean humans can’t expand it. A study published in Science on July 27 by a team including Pitt chemists describes a…
New Research Suggests Plants Might Be Able To Absorb More CO2 From Human Activities Than Previously Expected
Tropical rainforest on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, near the site of the study. Credit: Marcos Guerra, STRI via NSF New research published today in leading international journal Science Advances paints an uncharacteristically upbeat picture for the planet. This is because more realistic ecological modelling suggests the world’s plants may be able to take up more…
Hypnotized by the ecosystem of Area X
Annihilation takes the reader on a journey into the unknown horrors of nature. Margad Sukhbaatar/THE VARSITY A review of Jeff VanderMeer’s 2014 novel Annihilation The word “annihilation” rang fresh as pricked blood to me as I picked the book off my bookshelf. In approximately a quarter of a breath, Jeff VanderMeer had conjured in my…
A Viral Post on Social Media Will Clear the Medical Debt of Strangers
“To celebrate my life, I’ve arranged to buy up others’ medical debt and then destroy the debt,” reads a posthumous tweet posted Tuesday after the death of 38-year-old Casey McIntyre. The Washington Post explains… McIntyre, who served as publisher at Razorbill, an imprint of Penguin Random House, was diagnosed in 2019 and proceeded through treatment…
Fairy-wrens babysit if they’ve got a good chance of mating with the parents
Why do animals help each other? Altruism in nature is a puzzle with many solutions, and fairy-wrens have found a few. A team of researchers based at Monash University has found more detail on why purple-crowned fairy-wrens will help raise offspring that don’t belong to them. It seems that being related to the offspring, or…
The chimaeras of nature and their promise to grow human organs
At present, more than 3 lakh people are waiting for an organ transplant in India alone; the global number is far higher, with no respite in sight. There is an alarming disparity in the number of organ donors and the number of recipients – and animals have played an important part in filling this gap.…
NUS researcher wants to find ways to channel more finance into conserving nature
SINGAPORE – Having spent a decade in the environment sector, Ms Shakura Bashir has seen a whole spectrum of sustainability efforts take shape here, from the Republic’s efforts to bolster food security, to its continued investing in clean water technologies. But one particular area has since captured the attention of the PhD student – wielding…
LankaWeb – Greenwashing Bond Scams and Financializing Mother Nature: Climate Science Fiction versus Local Realities -Part I
Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake Sri Lankan President unveils ambitious national green vision paving the way for a sustainable future Fri, Nov 3, 2023, 07:43 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka. We live in a state of permanent emergency. Poly crisis’ is a fashionable term these days in United Nations (UN), and Bretton Woods circles that…
Record-breaking summer set to hit southern hemisphere
A similar combination of weather patterns in 2019-2020 resulted in Australia’s devastating ‘black summer’ bushfires.Credit: Carla Gottgens/Bloomberg via Getty The southern hemisphere is facing a summer of extremes, say scientists, as climate change amplifies the effects of natural climate variability. This comes in the wake of a summer in the northern hemisphere that saw extreme…
Proteomic association with age-dependent sex differences in Wisconsin Card Sorting Test performance in healthy Thai subjects
Abstract Sex differences in cognitive function exist, but they are not stable and undergo dynamic change during the lifespan. However, our understanding of how sex-related neural information transmission evolves with age is still in its infancy. This study utilized the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and the label-free proteomics method with bioinformatic analysis to investigate…