I had three children during my PhD: here’s what I learnt
Cecilie Steenbuch Traberg’s three children were all born while she worked towards her PhD.Credit: Weile’s Foto I’ll never forget when I was sitting in a lecture hall, overhearing fellow students behind me discussing how having a baby during graduate school is “career suicide”. When I stood up, revealing my 30-week bump, their shocked expressions spoke…
Forensic science is more than a test result
Forensic science is a mixture of specialties, including many chemistry subdisciplines, that focus on the idea of traces — marks that are remnants of past events. The findings should be affected by scene examination, time factors and context rather than an overreliance on the precision of the laboratory results. This is a preview of subscription…
Learn about elder plants or explore nature-based science at one of these midfall classes or workshops
Events are free unless noted. Please email calendar submissions at least three weeks in advance to [email protected]. ONGOING Walk With a Friend at Tualatin Hills Nature Park: 9 a.m. first Wednesday and third Sunday of the month. Take a guided walk and learn about the plants, wildlife and history of the park. Tualatin Hills Nature…
Learn about elder plants or explore nature-based science at one of these midfall classes or workshops
Events are free unless noted. Please email calendar submissions at least three weeks in advance to [email protected]. ONGOING Walk With a Friend at Tualatin Hills Nature Park: 9 a.m. first Wednesday and third Sunday of the month. Take a guided walk and learn about the plants, wildlife and history of the park. Tualatin Hills Nature…
Should I climb the career ladder as a manager, or will I regret leaving the lab bench behind?
Illustration: David Parkins The problem Dear Nature, I am a chemical engineer with a PhD, working in the food industry. I’m at a point in my career where I need to decide whether I want a managerial career path or should stick with technical, problem-solving work in research and development. My biggest worry is that,…
China’s regional cities are now major players in world science
As Chinese research goes from strength to strength, it is natural that the country’s biggest and most economically developed urban areas, such as Beijing and Shanghai, would become superstar science cities; as China gets richer, more educated and more technologically sophisticated, the megacities drive further progress. What might be more surprising is that some of…
How being multilingual both helps and hinders me and my science
Credit: MirageC/Getty When I first arrived in the United States as an international student from India, I was immediately struck by the steep learning curve involved in communicating effectively in English. I’m a former research fellow at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in New Delhi, and a Bengali speaker, as well as being fluent…
Leading Nature Index science cities in health sciences: US institutions power country’s growth
Due in part to strong institutional collaborations and industry presence, the United States has maintained its lead in health sciences, with the Boston metropolitan area (MA) taking the top spot with a Share of 676.43. However, the Massachusetts capital — which is home to numerous biotech companies, leading universities, and more than 20 hospitals —…
Leading Nature Index science cities in physical sciences: regional centres drive China’s progress
A strengthening research climate has seen Chinese cities rise to take the top three spots in this year’s leading science cities for physical sciences, as the eastern city of Nanjing climbs above both Boston and New York for the first time. Nanjing, China’s 13th largest city by population size according to the country’s 2020 census,…
Boston’s dense health-sciences networks help the city to maintain its lead
An analytical chemist works in the lab of biotech company Arcaea, which is based in Boston, Massachusetts.Credit: Boston Globe/Getty When a delegation of scientists from Japan recently visited Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, they asked their hosts a familiar question: what are the secret factors that make the Boston area, which includes Cambridge, such a…