14 dramatic moments from the 2024 Nature’s Best Photo Awards
Share A mother will teach her children many things. This is no different in nature. In the Grand Prize shot (seen below) from the 2024 Nature’s Best Photography International Awards, a mother tiger shares a lesson on battle with her cub. Photographer Mangesh Ratnakar Desai captured the incredible image, describing the moment as “a masterclass…
The science behind how Nature can heal us, and how it’s easier than you think, with Professor Miles Richardson
Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen: Changing rooms, mixing leather and velvet, and the joy of growing old disgracefully ‘We talk about life’s big questions with people who probably thought they were just coming in to discuss the redecoration of their house’: Nicole Salvesen and Mary Graham on the Country Life Podcast Epic beauty, sweeping grandeur and water pouring…
‘Women in the Valley of Kings’ named one of the best science books by Nature
Dr. Kathleen Sheppard’s newest book, Women in the Valley of the Kings: The Untold Story of Women Egyptologists in the Gilded Age, was recently reviewed in Nature as one of its five best science book picks. The book, published in July 2024, is a historical non-fiction work that covers some of the earliest European women…
Looking at Nature Speeds Up Healing: Biologist Kathy Willis Explains the Science
In recent years, the health benefits of immersing oneself in nature have become a topic of growing scientific interest. Biologist Kathy Willis, a professor of biodiversity at the University of Oxford, explores these benefits in her new book Good Nature, providing evidence that observing and experiencing nature can play a crucial role in the healing…
Science and Hinduism share the vision of a quest for truth
Hinduism seeks to provide insight into the nature of the universe and is not antithetical to science. Rohitash Chandra explains why he sees value in bringing together science and spirituality in the quest for knowledge. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Access through your institution Change institution Buy…
AI protein-prediction tool AlphaFold3 is now open source
AlphaFold3 can predict the structures of proteins as they interact with DNA.Credit: Werel et al./American Society for Microbiology, Mol*, RCSB PDB AlphaFold3 is open at last. Six months after Google DeepMind controversially withheld code from a paper describing the protein-structure prediction model, scientists can now download the software code and use the artificial intelligence (AI)…
‘A direct relationship between your sense of sight and recovery rate’: Biologist Kathy Willis on why looking at nature can speed up healing
The practice of forest bathing is a mindful, meditative experience where we allow our senses to become attuned to nature by spending time walking through woodlands. Numerous studies have shown that immersing ourselves in the natural world in this way can have significant health benefits, but could we ever bring this practice to a clinical…
River Bend Nature Center to host fall-themed Science Saturday
WICHITA FALLS, Texas (KAUZ) – The River Bend Nature Center in Wichita Falls will be hosting ‘Fall into Art’ as part of its Science Saturday program. The event will be held on Saturday, Nov. 23 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Attendee will get the opportunity to create fun art pieces with natural materials found…
Blending Science and Nature: Dr. Neeta Kapadia on Co-Founding Luxury Skincare Brand Rare Chemistry
<!– –> Rare Chemistry Dr. Neeta Kapadia Dr. Neeta Kapadia is truly a woman of many talents! Alongside her successful medical practice, she’s also an entrepreneur. She and her daughter, Rhea Kapadia, co-founded Rare Chemistry—a luxury skincare brand designed for women of all ages and skin types. Rare Chemistry combines advanced dermatological ingredients with rare…
Quantitative phase imaging endoscopy with a metalens
Abstract Quantitative phase imaging (QPI) recovers the exact wavefront of light from intensity measurements. Topographical and optical density maps of translucent microscopic bodies can be extracted from these quantified phase shifts. We demonstrate quantitative phase imaging at the tip of a coherent fiber bundle using chromatic aberrations inherent in a silicon nitride hyperboloid metalens. Our…