Category: Science and Nature

  • Connecting the work of scientists, engineers and industry

    Connecting the work of scientists, engineers and industry

    Incorporating research in engineering and industry, as well more fundamental science, is central to Nature Electronics. Since Nature Electronics launched in January 2018, it has aimed to reflect the full range of research in the field of electronics1. This has meant incorporating the work of scientists, including physicists, chemists, nanotechnologists and materials scientists. It has…

  • New documentary shows gender diversity par for the course in nature

    New documentary shows gender diversity par for the course in nature

    The natural world is full of gender diversity: female hyenas have pseudo penises used for sex and urination, many species of fish and plants change their sex over their lifespan, and female lions have been known to grow manes and develop a masculine growl. Those are among many examples in a new episode of CBC’s The Nature…

  • New documentary shows gender diversity par for the course in nature

    New documentary shows gender diversity par for the course in nature

    The natural world is full of gender diversity: female hyenas have pseudo penises used for sex and urination, many species of fish and plants change their sex over their lifespan, and female lions have been known to grow manes and develop a masculine growl. Those are among many examples in a new episode of CBC’s The Nature…

  • Unlocking Quantum Secrets With Spin-Squeezing Atomic Entanglement

    Unlocking Quantum Secrets With Spin-Squeezing Atomic Entanglement

    Higher accuracy atomic clocks, such as the “tweezer clock” depicted here, could result from linking or “entangling” atoms in a new way through a method known as “spin squeezing,” in which one property of an atom is measured more precisely than is usually allowed in quantum mechanics by decreasing the precision in which a complementary…

  • Being in Nature Has a Profound Effect on How You Experience Time

    Do you ever get that feeling that there aren’t enough hours in the day? That time is somehow racing away from you, and it is impossible to fit everything in. But then, you step outside into the countryside and suddenly everything seems slower, more relaxed, like time has somehow changed. It’s not just you –…

  • Being in Nature Has a Profound Effect on How You Experience Time

    Do you ever get that feeling that there aren’t enough hours in the day? That time is somehow racing away from you, and it is impossible to fit everything in. But then, you step outside into the countryside and suddenly everything seems slower, more relaxed, like time has somehow changed. It’s not just you –…

  • Recent achievements and conceptual challenges for urban digital twins

    Recent achievements and conceptual challenges for urban digital twins

    Urban digital twins hold immense promise as live computational models of cities, synthesizing diverse knowledge, streaming data, and supporting decisions towards more inclusive planning and policy. The size, heterogeneity, and open-ended character of cities, however, pose many difficult questions, at the frontiers of what is currently possible in computational science. Overcoming these challenges provides pathways…

  • Biology is not as hierarchical as most textbooks paint it

    Biology is not as hierarchical as most textbooks paint it

    When you think about it, it is amazing that something as tiny as a living cell is capable of behaviour so complex. Consider the single-cell creature, the amoeba. It can sense its environment, move around, obtain its food, maintain its structure, and multiply. How does a cell know how to do all of this? Biology…

  • Biology is not as hierarchical as most textbooks paint it

    Biology is not as hierarchical as most textbooks paint it

    When you think about it, it is amazing that something as tiny as a living cell is capable of behaviour so complex. Consider the single-cell creature, the amoeba. It can sense its environment, move around, obtain its food, maintain its structure, and multiply. How does a cell know how to do all of this? Biology…

  • Advancements and challenges of digital twins in industry

    Advancements and challenges of digital twins in industry

    Abstract Digital twins, which are considered an effective approach to realize the fusion between virtual and physical spaces, have attracted a substantial amount of attention in the past decade. With their rapid development in recent years, digital twins have been applied in various fields, particularly in industry. However, there are still some gaps to be…