Category: Science and Nature

  • Harnessing quantum information to advance computing

    Harnessing quantum information to advance computing

    We highlight the vibrant discussions on quantum computing and quantum algorithms that took place at the 2024 American Physical Society March Meeting and invite submissions that notably drive the field of quantum information science forward. The American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting is arguably one of the largest annual physics conferences of the world, and…

  • Scientists Just Discovered The First-Ever Fractal Molecule In Nature

    Fractals – those self-similar shapes which can be endlessly zoomed in on without losing detail – are weirdly ubiquitous in nature. You’ve got snowflakes, famously; cauliflowers and coastlines; even rabbits, with a bit of work, can be shown to conform to fractal patterns. Of course, none of these examples can truly be said to be…

  • Corvallis Science & Nature: Spring Birds and Camas Blooms Arrive

    Corvallis Science & Nature: Spring Birds and Camas Blooms Arrive

    The air around Corvallis is filling up with new songs and new flashes of bright color, as new species of birds are arriving in our area almost every day. We’ve seen a trickle of birds over the past month, but this week, it turned into a flood. In Benton County, birders reported ten new species…

  • Barrett Honors College to host nature walks for science, relaxation

    Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University is gearing up to participate in the City Nature Challenge (CNC) for the fourth consecutive year. This annual event, taking place April 26–29, is one of the largest citizen science initiatives in the world. Data and observations collected during CNC are valuable resources for the scientific community, including…

  • Harnessing our lived experience for science communication

    Adrian Liston, professor of pathology at the University of Cambridge, UK, has published several illustrated children’s books on the topic of vaccination and has developed a computer game called ‘VirusFighter’. Here, he shares his thoughts on how to become an effective science communicator. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access…

  • Admission to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science is FREE this weekend

    Admission to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science is FREE this weekend

    Speaking as a dad/husband in a family of five, doing anything as a family is crazy expensive these days, so anytime I can find a deal like the one happening this weekend, I jump on it! The Denver Museum of Nature & Science and the Mexican Cultural Center are celebrating Día del Niño (the Day…

  • Embracing data science in catalysis research

    Embracing data science in catalysis research

    Abstract Accelerating catalyst discovery and development is of paramount importance in addressing the global energy, sustainability and healthcare demands. The past decade has witnessed significant momentum in harnessing data science concepts in catalysis research to aid the aforementioned cause. Here we comprehensively review how catalysis practitioners have leveraged data-driven strategies to solve complex challenges across…

  • Vermont nature center highlights region’s native species on Earth Day

    Vermont nature center highlights region’s native species on Earth Day

    April 22 is special for The Vermont Institute of Natural Science. The Upper Valley institution was founded more than 50 years ago in 1970, around the time of the first ever Earth Day.“1970 was the first Earth Day and that is also the time that there were some citizens who were gathering together to clean…

  • Leading Actors Join Forces to Advance Science-based Natural Climate Solutions – Forest Carbon and Climate Program

    Leading Actors Join Forces to Advance Science-based Natural Climate Solutions – Forest Carbon and Climate Program

    FCCP and Natural Climate Solutions Alliance (NCSA) unite forces to unleash private sector investment in high-integrity nature-based climate solutions East Lansing, MI, 4/9/24 With a core focus on promoting science-based inputs to ensure the integrity of natural climate solutions, the Michigan State University’s (MSU) Forest Carbon and Climate Program (FCCP) and the Natural Climate Solutions…

  • Images capture science in action and nature’s beauty

    Images capture science in action and nature’s beauty

    A curious bear forages at sunrise, silhouetted against snow-capped mountains. A pair of researchers collect tidepool samples at sundown in Morro Bay. A harbor seal pup nuzzles its adoring mother near Elkhorn Slough. Such are a few of the treasures among the winners of the 2024 Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability photo contest. Each year,…