Category: Visual Arts

  • Natural History Museum Will Host Paper Tree-Making Activity

    Natural History Museum Will Host Paper Tree-Making Activity

    Naturescape Gallery at the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History will present artist Sheryl Jaffe’s Tree-Book-Sculpture and Paper Tree-Making Activity opening on Saturday, February 15, during museum hours. Ms. Jaffe’s art installation is a 6-foot tree built entirely of handmade paper inspired by Ms. Jaffe’s relationship with the trees and the poem “On the Pulse…

  • Black and White Show opens at KIFA

    Black and White Show opens at KIFA

    STEVENSVILLE – The Kent Island Federation of Arts hosted a reception Jan. 18 for its annual Black and White Show, featuring a diverse collection of artwork and photography. Show judge Holly Schrader, a visual arts teacher at Stevensville Middle School, praised the quality and creativity of the pieces on display. Darlene Conley served as the…

  • “Northwest Michigan Regional Juried Exhibition” | 2/4/2025 | Event Calendar

    Tuesday February 4 Tuesday, February 411AMDennos Museum Center, NMC, TCArt Held regularly at the Museum for over 30 years, the exhibition features artwork made by regional artists over the last year & juried by an arts professional outside of the region. This year’s juror is Teresa Dunn. An opening reception will be held on Fri.,…

  • Acquisition of the Paul O’Neill Archive – Announcements – e-flux

    Acquisition of the Paul O’Neill Archive  – Announcements – e-flux

    Acquisition of the Paul O’Neill Archive February 12, 2025, 6pm Launch and conversation—“Out of Curiosity”: February 12, 6–8pm, with Paul O’Neill and Gerrie van Noord Add to Calendar IMMA — Irish Museum of Modern Art Kilmainham Royal Hospital, Military Road Dublin Ireland T +353 1 612 9900 IMMA, the Irish Museum of Modern Art, is delighted…

  • Local students encouraged to enter Mesa history writing, art contests – Arizona Digital Free Press

    Local students encouraged to enter Mesa history writing, art contests – Arizona Digital Free Press

    Entries MUST be postmarked on or before the contest due date of March 10. Above, Felicia Zhang, 12th Grade, Diving Lady. (Submitted Photos/DigitalFreePress) Staff Reports | Community Updates The Mesa Historic Preservation Board is sponsoring a Historical Essay and Visual Arts Contest to encourage young students to learn more about their city’s past. The historical essay competition…

  • Fourth Annual Embrace the Dream Read-Aloud & Craft Night | 2/6/2025 | Event Calendar

    Thursday February 6 Thursday, February 64:30PM-6PMNMC Library, TCChildren’s Events Celebrate Black History Month, diverse characters, & the power of reading to break down barriers. This is a free event with no registration necessary & children ages 3-12 are invited to read, craft & get a free book. 995-1060.

  • AcA seeks sponsors for Student Arts Expos

    AcA seeks sponsors for Student Arts Expos

    Acadiana Center for the Arts is calling on local businesses and community partners to help bring three Student Arts Expos to life in 2025. These art-centric events showcase the creativity and talent of young artists from across the region while fostering a deeper appreciation for the arts in our community. These expos, held in partnership with local…

  • Trolling Clinton: Sawmill Museum signs contract with international artist

    Trolling Clinton: Sawmill Museum signs contract with international artist

    #inform-video-player-1 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } #inform-video-player-2 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } Danish recycling artist Thomas Dambo has signed a contract with The Sawmill Museum in an agreement to install multiple wooden trolls along the Mississippi River in Clinton next year, according to a release by the museum. The installation is…

  • This year, make a commitment to understanding your world better: practise the art of slow looking

    This year, make a commitment to understanding your world better: practise the art of slow looking

    We are in a rapidly changing visual culture where it is increasingly inadequate to take images at face value. There is an ever-increasing prevalence of image manipulation and AI imagery. And in the attention economy, our attention has become a precious, sought-after resource. Images participate in this redirection of our attention with an endless production…

  • Warwick Valley visual & performing artists featured at OC Arts Council exhibit

    Warwick Valley visual & performing artists featured at OC Arts Council exhibit

    February 3, 2025 Warwick Valley High School visual and performing artists were featured during the Orange County Arts Council’s annual Arts Build Confidence Showcase on Saturday, February 1, in the center court of the Galleria at Crystal Run in Middletown. Each year, the OC Arts Council sponsors the exhibition of original artwork in a variety of…