Category: Visual Arts

  • Gwen Hollingsworth’s Enchanting Abstract Paintings Cast Visual Spells

    Standing before an alluring, enigmatic abstraction by Gwen Hollingsworth is like happening upon an idyllic glade in a midnight forest. It might take a moment to make sense of what you’re seeing, but soon enough, the moonlight reveals you’ve found an enchanted place. Magic is a real medium for Hollingsworth, whose debut solo show, “Walking…

  • Three Rivers Arts Festival’s new temporary location announced in the Strip District

    Three Rivers Arts Festival’s new temporary location announced in the Strip District

    PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — The Pittsburgh Three Rivers Arts Festival has found its new, one-year only location while construction for the revitalization project in downtown Pittsburgh happens. The annual Arts Festival is moving to the riverfront lots at the 15th Street Plaza on Waterfront Road in the Strip District, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust officials said. The festival…

  • Three Rivers Arts Festival will move this year to the Strip District

    <!– –> MENU <!– <a href="javascript: void(0)" onclick="'<<>>&text=’+encodeURIComponent(“<<>>”)+’&via=PittsburghPG’,”,’width=500,height=500′) “> –> <!– –> ACCOUNT SECTIONS OTHER CLASSIFIEDS CONTACT US / FAQ <!– –> <!– –> <!– Removing 11/19/2018 –> <!– QUERYLY UPDATE –> <!– Removed 10.11.17 NM <script src='’ type=’text/javascript’> { siteName: ‘’ ,enabledProviders: ‘facebook’ } –> <!– IF{@RequestType="SECTION"&@SectionId="events"} Fix for events page Spingo bug History.init…

  • ‘Make Way for Berthe Weill’ in New York

    ‘Make Way for Berthe Weill’ in New York

    Share via: Q: Does Columbia, New York City’s Ivy League university, established by royal charter as King’s College in 1754, have an art museum? A: The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery, established in 1986, moved into the Lenfest Center for the Arts when the center opened in 2017 on Columbia’s new Manhattanville campus…

  • Artist Paints Traditional Portraits With a Distorted Twist [Interview]

    Artist Paints Traditional Portraits With a Distorted Twist [Interview]

    “Or You Could Panic,” 2025 Visual artist Ben Ashton pits convention and disruption against each other in his hyperrealistic portraits with a twist. The London-based creator has long studied the work of the Old Masters. Not only did he perfect their techniques, creating richly detailed portraits, but he has also taken these elements to upend…

  • AAN offers full slate of February art classes

    AAN offers full slate of February art classes

    (Jan. 27, 2025) The Artists Association of Nantucket will host a full slate of winter workshops and classes beginning in February. All in-person classes will be held in the AAN’s Visual Arts Center, 24 Amelia Drive: • Needle-Felt a Valentine with Lizbet Carroll Fuller. Thursday, Feb. 6, 5-7 p.m. For ages 16 and up. No…

  • Opinion — Vermont Art Education Association and Vermont Music Education Association: Arts education is not a luxury

    Under Vermont’s golden dome: Final Reading is a Statehouse newsletter that keeps things conversational, without sacrificing the seriousness of the politics and legislation that impact all Vermonters. Commentaries are opinion pieces contributed by readers and newsmakers. VTDigger strives to publish a variety of views from a broad range of Vermonters. Commentaries give voice to community…

  • IFCC, looking to renew, makes its Grant and Artist Residency program permanent

    IFCC, looking to renew, makes its Grant and Artist Residency program permanent

    Portland jazz at IFCC, from left: George Colligan, Andrew Jones, Noah Simpson, and Domo Branch. Photo: Sam Slater The Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center’s Artist Grant and Residency program, originally funded by short-term pandemic relief funding, will become a permanent program, thanks to funding from the City of Portland and fundraising by a nonprofit committed to…

  • Fort Collins’ Art in Public Places program celebrates 30th anniversary

    Fort Collins’ Art in Public Places program celebrates 30th anniversary

    Walking along the streets of Old Town in Fort Collins, one may notice a number of painted scenes covering what would usually be plain electrical transformers, bus stops or even storm drains. Since 1995, the City of Fort Collins has invited artists every year to design public art pieces with a mission to “encourage and…

  • A spring bouquet of art and music

    A spring bouquet of art and music

    Even before the daffodils appear, art will bloom on the William & Mary campus with the much-anticipated re-opening of a beloved jewel: the Muscarelle Museum at the Martha Wren Briggs Center for the Visual Arts. After a nearly two-year expansion and renovation project, the building will open during Charter Day weekend (Feb. 7-9). Named after…