Costa Rica Funds Wildlife Crossings to Protect Monkeys
The effort deployed by The Clean Wave Foundation and the SalveMonos Association will allow the construction of 20 wildlife crossings in the Playa Grande community in Santa Cruz, Guanacaste. These projects will be financed with the contributions received during a donation drive held on October 21. According to Andrés Bermúdez, President of The Clean Wave,…
Editorial: Fake Halloween spiderwebs are truly scary
Angelenos love Halloween. Every year as the days start to get noticeably shorter, disembodied hands erupt from flower beds and grinning skeletons settle in to lounge on front lawns. Witches, demons and ghouls pop up on rooftops and fences, and ghosts appear hanging from tree boughs. This creepy decor is all in good fun, of…
Annual moose hunt aims to help stabilize population
Valley News – Annual moose hunt aims to help stabilize population Features > Science <span class="lightgalleryimg" data-src="/getattachment/e46bb061-9b71-44e4-ac95-99fb4710f6fa/MooseTickCount-fm-vn-102923-ph01" data-sub-html="Donna Hill, right, of Thetford, Vt., looks through the scope mounted on her rifle while on a moose hunt with her daughter Katherine Hill, center, and son-in-law Andrew Eaton, both of West Fairlee, Vt., in Victory, Vt., on…
Surveying rock rabbits: Why should Southern Utahns care about this attitudinal species?
CEDAR CITY — High in the Tushar Mountains, with a stunning view of the lake and rolling hills below, wildlife technicians make their way to a talus field — a sloping mass of broken rocks. Danny Ostrander looks for pikas in the Tushar Mountains, Utah, Sept. 19, 2023 | Photo by Alysha Lundgren, Cedar City…
Learn about Anderson Humane Wildlife Center at Izaak Walton League meeting
On Tuesday, Nov. 7, the Elgin Chapter of the Izaak Walton League will host Stephanie Franczak from the Anderson Humane Wildlife Center. The program will begin at 7 p.m. at Hanover Township Izaak Walton Center, 899 Jay St. in Elgin. Franczak is the wildlife rehabilitation manager. She is a certified wildlife rehabilitator with over 10…
New SoCal network helps save animals rescued from illegal wildlife trade
LOS ANGELES (KABC) — Illegal wildlife trafficking is a multibillion-dollar business. It’s high-profit and low-risk for smugglers – and Los Angeles is a hotspot in the global fight against the cruel trade that puts endangered animals’ lives at risk. On Friday, a new program was launched to help endangered or threatened animals that are trafficked…
Bird injuries at Mile Square Park baffle officials, exhaust self-appointed advocates
Mile Square Regional Park at dusk is a daily destination for Robert Di Massa, a hobbyist wildlife photographer whose affinity for the numerous bird species there has inspired more than 40,000 photos and video scenes in recent months. But among the snaps of spry kingfishers hunting hapless quarry from atop the bulbous heads of swan…
7 Reasons You Need to Stop Feeding Wildlife
When we see animals in the wild, it’s natural to want to see them up close. We want to connect with them, give them some food, and be their friend. This is especially true if it is a rare animal. Even more true if they’re cute! But one of the best things you can do…
Wildlife Photographer Gets an Unbelievably Close View of a Gorilla That Gets Inches From the Camera
This is about as close to a gorilla as it’s possible to get! The extraordinary footage was captured in Rwanda and shows a huge mountain gorilla getting extremely close to the camera and some human visitors. Not only do we get to see in detail how amazing these animals are, but we also get to…
How free-roaming cats impact wildlife, disease transmission
Cats are hunters by nature, which is why it’s not uncommon for an outdoor cat to bring home a “gift,” left on their owner’s doorstep. Yet Molly Guyette, a third-year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and veterinary public health & epidemiology master’s student at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (VMBS), says…