Category: Wildlife and Animals

  • Keeping parks tidy and wildlife safe during pumpkin season

    Keeping parks tidy and wildlife safe during pumpkin season

    Southend-on-Sea City Council is pleased to see residents enjoying pumpkin-themed activities and ask everyone to be responsible when getting rid of pumpkins. Recently, there has been a rise in old pumpkins disposed of in Southend parks and green spaces. This not only makes these places less attractive for people, but it is also not good…

  • Convictions show scale of wildlife hunting in China

    Convictions show scale of wildlife hunting in China

    Benítez-López, A. et al. Science 356, 180–183 (2017). Article  PubMed  Google Scholar  Morton, O., Scheffers, B. R., Haugaasen, T. & Edwards, D. P. Nature Ecol. Evol. 5, 540–548 (2021). Article  PubMed  Google Scholar  Harfoot, M. et al. Biol. Conserv. 223, 47–57 (2018). Article  Google Scholar  Liang, D. et al. Nature (2023). Article  Google Scholar …

  • This Week in Fish and Wildlife: Hunters await animal migrations from higher elevations

    This Week in Fish and Wildlife: Hunters await animal migrations from higher elevations

    When it comes to hunting, being in the right place at the right time is critical. Hunters can control only half of that.  MTN’s Chet Layman talks with Montana FWP about the other half, the migration of animals down from the high country. BOZEMAN — Estimates say there are more than 150,000 elk in Montana,…

  • Do the wild weather swings we’re seeing have an impact on local wildlife?

    Do the wild weather swings we’re seeing have an impact on local wildlife?

    TOLEDO, Ohio (WTVG) – With the big swing in temperatures we’ve seen, what impact, if any, does it have on wildlife? The approximate 50-degree temperature difference between Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon had a lot of us making wardrobe adjustments. Experts say it’s not as disruptive to wildlife. Nature’s Nursery cares for thousands of injured…

  • Wetumpka Wildlife Arts Festival offers fun-filled day of activities

    Wetumpka Wildlife Arts Festival offers fun-filled day of activities

    The second annual Wetumpka Wildlife Arts Festival (WEWA) features a fun-filled day designed to celebrate wildlife art and the Great Outdoors. Presented by the Kelly Fitzpatrick Center for the Arts, known to locals as “The Kelly,” the festivities begin Saturday, Nov. 11 at 9:30 a.m. and run through 4 p.m. on the banks of the Coosa River in…

  • WashU team to study virus transmission, human-wildlife interaction – The Source – Washington University in St. Louis

    WashU team to study virus transmission, human-wildlife interaction – The Source – Washington University in St. Louis

    Red colobus monkeys can’t seem to get a break. Since 2007, when anthropologist Krista Milich at Washington University in St. Louis established her project at Kibale National Park in Uganda, she has watched their numbers decline. Red colobus are now considered the most threatened group of African monkeys. According to the IUCN Red List of…

  • Wildlife biologist explains bat myths

    Wildlife biologist explains bat myths

    Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain It’s officially spooky season: Nights are creeping in earlier. A fall chill has descended. Skeletons and witches and jack-o-lanterns dot every street. So you can expect to see swarms of bats swooping overhead as you greet trick-or-treaters, right? “Unfortunately, the month when we finally stop and think about bats, they’re not…

  • New research aims to understand the ecology of SARS-CoV-2 at the human-animal interface

    New research aims to understand the ecology of SARS-CoV-2 at the human-animal interface

    At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Virginia Tech disease ecologists wondered if the virus was having the same effect on wildlife. With the support of a $5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, principal investigator Joseph Hoyt and co-principal investigators Carla Finkielstein, Kate Langwig, and James…

  • Creating wildlife-safe holiday decoration

    As Halloween approaches, neighborhoods across Central Oregon will soon be adorned with festive, spooky decorations. From the eerie glow of jack-o’-lanterns to cobweb-draped porches, this whimsical holiday is celebrated through creative displays. Our spirited designs don’t stop on October 31; they transition into joyful fall and winter holiday décor. However, there is a frightening side…

  • Kimberly Lopez Discusses the Humane Society’s Impactful Initiatives

    Kimberly Lopez Discusses the Humane Society’s Impactful Initiatives

    Kim Lopez of Dayton, Ohio is an animal lover who served on the board of directors at the Humane Society of Greater Dayton for 12 years. In the following article, Kimberly Lopez discusses factors that influence animal welfare and the reasons why it is a pressing issue. Animal welfare is a critical concern in today’s…