Cillian Murphy Tries His Hand at ‘Fame’

Cillian Murphy is famous because he wants to be, but he doesn’t like being shot on the street.

In an interview with Rolling Stone UK, an Irish actor said, “It can ruin experiences because it fetishizes everything.” He also said, “You can be walking down the street, and someone takes a picture like this is a ****** event.”

The actor from “Batman Begins” also said, “I don’t like being photographed by people. I find that offensive. If I was a woman, and it was a man photographing me.”

The star of “Inceptions” said that being famous is like commuting: “You have to commute to get to your destination. I think that’s the way the best people are: they’re not doing it for any other reason but love of the craft. They have a compulsion to make work, not to be famous or get attention.”

The 46-year-old also said, “Fame evaporates with regularity. I’m always around here, and no one gives a ****** *****. Nobody cares. I go to the shop. It dissipates. But if one of the guys from Succession walked in here, I’d be all intimidated and shaky. When you’re confronted with someone you’ve invested a lot in or think is amazing, the encounter is strange.”