Citizen science projects: One observation at a time

For instance, the East Coast Conservation Team, led by marine biologist Sri Chakra Pranav, conducts intertidal walks along the shores. Vivek’s WCTRE organises coastline bird watching, nature trials and exploration walks in the north coastal districts. Raja Bandi, the citizen science coordinator at IISER Tirupati, also leads several initiatives aimed at promoting citizen science. Engagement with iNaturalist Project Sea Shells of Andhra Pradesh(AP): 2,478 observations, 318 species, 204 identifiers and 269 observers Sharks,

Rays and Skate Landing in AP: 371 observations, 41 species, 33 identifiers and 9 observers Marine Life of AP: 3,453 observations, 566 species, 282 identifiers and 46 observers Intertidal Biodiversity of AP: 1,180 observations, 281 species, 179 identifiers and 49 observers Reptiles and Amphibians of AP: 3,323 observations,

113 species, 517 identifiers and 540 observers Biodiversity of Srikakulam: 1,066 observations, 414 species, 329 identifiers and 53 observers Biodiversity of Vizianagaram: 1,885 observations, 751 species, 442 identifiers and 66 observers Biodiversity of Visakhapatnam: 14,872 observations, 2,688 species, 1,352 identifiers and 368 observers

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