Cohen: Long Island’s future is at the forefront of AI | Long Island Business News

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Long Island has been at the center of some of the most important societal advancements that have impacted humanity over the past century–from the lunar module built at Grumman, to Charles Lindbergh’s first transatlantic flight that departed from Roosevelt Field, and the discovery of DNA at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Our region has the technological capabilities to be at the forefront of the next technological revolution–the expansion of artificial intelligence (AI)—and contribute to New York’s ascent to a global leader in AI.

AI promises to position our state, and Long Island specifically, at the forefront of innovation. That’s why the Empire AI initiative–proposed by Gov. Hochul earlier this year and codified in the New York State Fiscal Year 2025 budget–is so critical. With the unveiling of Empire AI, New York is seizing a pivotal opportunity to become a worldwide leader in this fast-moving field.

While a cutting-edge AI computing hub will be located in Buffalo, N.Y., its assets will be accessible to colleges and universities statewide, and this consortium will conduct research that could result in future technologies in a multitude of sectors, such as medicine, physics and meteorology. As discussed at the recent Long Island Artificial Intelligence Conference co-hosted by the Long Island Association and HIA-LI, implementation of new AI-driven technologies must be conducted in a responsible way that benefits the public and creates jobs–not threatens them–and the research that Empire AI will conduct is rightfully focused on ethical discoveries and the public good.

Empire AI will collaborate with academic institutions comprising the entire SUNY system, including the flagship Stony Brook University, which is home to the Institute for AI-Driven Discovery and Innovation. Long Island had tremendous AI assets and programs across our educational spectrum. Our K-12 schools are working on training on staff on how to integrate AI into teaching; Long Island University, the host of our recent AI conference, has B.S. and M.S. degree programs on AI in partnership with Dassault Systems, a Fortune 500 engineering company; and Farmingdale State College recently launched a B.S. in Artificial Intelligence Management.

The Long Island Association applauds Gov. Hochul and the state legislature for laying the groundwork in the New York State budget for unprecedented collaboration between industry and academia to progress AI research and application. This is a strategic investment in New York’s future that is poised to provide our next generation with the skills for success in the digital age, spin-out startups, and unlock new pathways for businesses to prosper. With our renowned research institutions, skilled workforce and entrepreneurial spirit, Long Island is primed to lead the charge in AI innovation and contribute to New York’s overall success.

Matt Cohen is the president and CEO of the Long Island Association.

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