King Charles has laid out a series of questions he says might inform the task ahead of the summit.
Firstly, how can organisations – public, private, philanthropic, charities – be strengthened for the crisis the world faces.
Secondly, the King says it is crucial “finance flows” to those developments which are most essential to a sustainable future.
Thirdly, he says it’s vital innovation is accelerated and green alternatives – such as renewable energy – are deployed across all industries.
Fourthly, the King asks how different solutions and initiatives can be brought together to “ensure coherent long-term approaches across sectors, countries and industries”.
“For virtually every artificial source of greenhouse gas emissions, there are alternatives or mitigations which can be put in place,” he adds.
Finally, King Charles asks how can the planet forge “an ambitious new vision” for the next 100 years.
The King finishes his points by praising the ideas, knowledge and energy of young people, artists, engineers, communicators and Indigenous communities.