Country music star gives cancer update, shows off chemo port


Raul Malo is one tough dude, and if you don’t believe it just check out what he has been up to.

Not only has Malo been busy touring as the lead singer of The Mavericks, but he has been battling cancer, too. And he returned to social media this week to give fans an update on how that is going.


“Four round is done,” Malo wrote alongside of a photo of himself with his shirt off, revealing the dimple under his skin near his collarbone where his port was placed, on the band’s Instagram page. “Feeling great and looking forward to this weekend.”

Malo said he “felt a bit tired” on Friday but noted that it has been like that after every chemo session. He said he was “back to feeling ‘normal’” by Saturday, though. He then said he had an MRI coming up that he wasn’t looking forward to simply because, well … he doesn’t like hopping in the machine.

“This process has allowed me the time to relax, heal, think, reminisce, remember, and recall special memories,” he wrote. “I remember the first time a close friend disclosed to me that they had cancer. As you can imagine emotions start running wild and you try to keep cool.”

Malo revealed that he “didn’t know what to say” or “how to act.”

“They showed me their ‘port,’” he said. “I was uncomfortable. This was all new to me and to my friend. What do I say? What can I say? The more we spoke about it the less uncomfortable I became.”

Malo said that as more friends have fought the cancer battle he has realized things about humans.

“We are tough,” he wrote. “We are resilient. And we want to live.

“Here is my ‘port’,” he added. “Chances are you know someone that has one. It’s important to remember that it’s not the end. It’s a chance for a new beginning. We got this … RM”

Malo, 58, announced his cancer diagnosis in late June in an Instagram video.

“In the last couple of years, we out here on the road, we have been on a health kick,” he said. “Treating ourselves a little better. Taking care out ourselves a little better, and really trying to do all the right things as far as nutrition, etc. So, part of the health journey is to get yourself checked out. Go to a doctor, take a physical and start there.”

Malo said that is what he did.

“And that led to another appointment with a gastrointestinal specialist, which led to a CAT scan,” he said. “And that proved to show two cancerous spots.”


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