WRIGHT TWP. — The Crestwood School Board found itself revisiting an issue nearly a quarter-century old when a vote for health insurance came up at Thursday’s regular monthly meeting. The agenda called for renewing coverage for teachers and administrators with Imagine 360 for the 2024 calendar year. But teacher union president Janice Ciavarella urged that the item be tabled so the board could sit down with the Northeast Pennsylvania School District Health Trust to determine if they could get a better savings.
The Trust is a consortium of area districts formed in 1999 with the intention of using their larger collective bargaining power to lower health insurance costs. Crestwood was a founding member, but withdrew within a year — Solicitor Jack Dean noted that move was prompted by union concerns. Several other districts have since withdrawn as well, all in the belief they could get cheaper coverage on their own.
Ciavarella said the board should put off a decision until it could meet with the union and Trust representatives to see if more money could be saved by going with the Trust. Saving money has become paramount in a district that went through large scale furloughs earlier this year to stem a large budget deficit, and Ciavarella said she wanted to avoid further layoffs.
But Dean said the district had tried to get numbers from the Trust. He said the district has to act now because the district must have coverage in place by Jan. 1. He also said that while the Trust had asked for a meeting in September, when asked for numbers so the district could review them in advance, they were not provided.
Business Consultant Thomas Benz said the district had negotiated with Imagine 360, and had received changes and incentives that collectively could save the district up to $1 million.
In the end, with two members absent, the board voted unanimously to renew the agreement with Imagine 360. The board approved a related motion to have Conrad Siegel Inc., a consulting firm used by many local districts and the Health Trust over the years for health care related work, to conduct a review of claims made through Imagine 360. the $30,000 cost will be split equally between the district and Imagine 360.
Benz and Dean said the review is a proactive move to make sure everything is being done correctly, though Dean said he expects no problems will be found.
The board also:
• Approved a 5-year lease with Quadient Leasing Inc. beginning Oct. 1, 2023 for a digital mailing system, at a monthly cost of $148.25.
• Approved an agreement with the Luzerne Intermediate Unit for dual diagnosis therapeutic services at a cost of $155 per 6.5 hour day.
• Approved a proposal from BerkOne for printing, stuffing and mailing the annual Act 1 Homestead/Farmstead applications at a total cost of $1,500.
• Approved Stacey Rosario as special education health aide and Carley Karaffa as special education behavior technician, both at $17 per hour.
• Approved the purchase of a used Skyjack Scissor lift from Sky Works, LLC, for $6,080.
• Appointed Sean Phelan as part-time custodian for 20 hours a week at $18.11 per hour with a 10% rate reduction for the first 60-day probationary period, Sharon Stibick as part-time food service worker/server Monday through Friday not to exceed 4.75 hours per day at $18.32 per hour with a 10% reduction during a 60 day probationary period, Samantha Shoemaker as part-time custodian Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Monday from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at $18.11 per hour, Nicole Wall as part-time para educator not to exceed 5 hours per day at $17.51 per hour with a 10% reduction for the 60 day probationary period, and Nichole Bruzgilis as full-time general food serviceworker/server Monday through Friday not to exceed 6.5 hours per day at $19.29 per hour.
• Accepted the resignation of Robert Ankner.
• Approved an agreement with WVIA for three school years (through 2025-26) for the Enhanced Scholar Program at $2,500 per year.
• Approved tenure for Jay Thomas and Sue Ryan.
• Accepted the resignations of Theodore Geffert and Angel Mae Webby from the distinguished alumni award selection committee.
Reach Mark Guydish at 570-991-6112 or on Twitter @TLMarkGuydish