Cruise Line Sued for Storing Decomposing Passenger in Drinks Cooler for Six Days

According to Insider, a lawsuit accuses a major cruise line of grossly mishandling the corpse of a passenger who died on board. The family of Robert Jones, who perished on a cruise from a heart attack, is seeking $1 million in damages from Celebrity Cruises for allegedly storing his decomposing body in a drinks cooler for six days.

All the while, cruise employees allegedly concealed the fact that the ship lacked a functioning morgue, despite being legally required to have one, and convinced the 78-year-old’s widow not to disembark in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to have the corpse processed. The lawsuit alleges that the company’s negligence was revealed when a funeral home employee discovered the corpse in a bag on the floor of the cooler in a state where it could not be displayed for an open-casket funeral.
