Customer’s bad restaurant review led to ‘beatdown’ invitation by owner

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Be careful what you say when you post Google restaurant reviews?

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An Ontario man, who goes by @adamjuvs on TikTok, amassed millions of views when he alleged on the social media video platform how a negative restaurant review led to an invitation for “a parking lot beatdown,’ by the owner.

“I left a negative Google review for this restaurant and now the owner wants to fight me this Friday (April 26),” the customer named Adam explains with emails on display behind him.

“How do I know that? Well, he sent me a Google Calendar invite for this Friday called ‘Parking Lot Beatdown Session,’ and the description of the event? ‘Parking lot. Food will be served. Knuckle sandwiches.’” ​​​​​​

If it wasn’t so scary, it might be funny, which I think is the point.

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Adam explains how he and a friend went to the unnamed restaurant which reportedly boasts 4.3 stars on Google but they found the food inedible.

Subsequently, Adam says the owner, who he describes as a “six-foot-eight, 350-pound NFL linebacker,” came to their table to find out what was wrong and explained he opened the restaurant after “having a vision in jail.”

Given the stature of the owner, Adam decided to leave a negative review on Google instead and the online fight invitation followed.

However, since then Adam has shared another TikTok video explaining he got email from the business owner titled “Important details,” that contained a YouTube link with a video discussing funeral arrangements popped up.

And in a final update, Adam appears to have changed his mind about the food entirely, although it appears to be in tongue-in-cheek.

“I would like to come on here and apologize to the three million people that watched my previous video. I lied,” he joked. “I said the food was mediocre when in fact it is amazing. It tastes gourmet.”

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