Dakota Kai provides injury update as she continues to make appearances on WWE television – NoDQ.com: WWE and AEW Coverage

Dakota Kai, who is recovering from a torn ACL injury, has continued to make appearance on WWE television. During a Twitch live stream, Dakota responded to a fan that suspected she was working the injury since she got involved in a brawling segment…

“Bro, you want me to be in a wheelchair until I’m cleared? That’s not how rehab works. I’m able to run and jump. This isn’t a shocker. I’m like, ‘Why would I do that? Why would I choose to sit on the sidelines? Like, no one wants that. No one wishes that on anyone. But I’m able to… like, I can run. I can jump.”

“It’s not like my leg is amputated. But rehab is just one of those things where… in all sports, no one is getting back in to play like before six, seven months. Certain places have things that they have to abide by, like certain medical teams. For us, it’s like usually it’s like eight to nine, slash 12 months, depending.” (quotes courtesy of WrestlingInc.com)

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