Decals could allow food trucks to show proper inspection approvals

AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) – A decal for food trucks in Augusta is in the process of being finalized.

The idea is to help officials and customers know who has passed proper inspections.

“I love what I do. Cooking is my passion. Cooking is my dream. You know, so food, so many people we eat out every day. And it’s important that people know what they are eating and knowing that they’re getting safe food because anybody can pull up with anything and food cannot be to par or anything to that matter,” said Brandi Neil, who works for Primetime Bar and Grill Food Truck.

Neil says there are good reasons for it.

“You don’t want cross-contamination. You don’t want people getting sick. So, therefore, if you have the decal saying that, hey, we are certified, everything is good. That’s a great thing because you don’t want people getting sick. So that’s very important. That is so important,” she said.

And customers say it’s important to pay attention to where you get your food. The decal could help fix that.

“It would definitely make me want to eat there more because I know they’ve been approved,” said Dajiah Wallace, a food truck customer.

It would eliminate possible confusion in the process.

“Because literally anybody’s aunties, grandma, cousin could come out here and steal some plates and not know what they do it and mess around and give somebody salmonella,” said Ariana Stevens, a food truck customer.

The decal would tell people who is approved and who isn’t.

“Being that I come out here every month because I support people in my community. My friend’s parents have their own food truck. They’re like licensed and whatnot and I like to come out here and support them. But not everybody’s parents know what they’re doing. So being that y’all are taking that extra step. It’s like a precaution. It makes me feel like a lot better” she said.

Right now, the decals aren’t required and the commission is still working on sorting through the new decal process.

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