Vince DeJoy’s bombshell this month at a Dunkirk Common Council Economic Development Committee meeting came early, when he announced that Amtrak wasn’t interested in building a local station.
However, the planning and development director went on to offer updates about more city concerns.
— The city has put out a request for proposals on a $30,000 water park study the council approved. DeJoy said he envisions the study will investigate the market for, and possible economic impact of, a recreational water park in the city. He wants the study to get underway early next year.
However, as he pointed out about the water park itself, “We don’t have any funding mechanism in terms of grant money right now to fund it.” The owners of the Clarion Hotel envision putting the park on a neighboring parcel, but they and city officials saw the project left off a list of suggested uses for $10 million in state Downtown Revitalization Initiative funding.
— DeJoy said he is trying to convince CSX to keep a spur that leads into the NRG property, site of the mothballed power plant. “We want to make sure if there’s some future use for the property” that the track is still available, he said.
— City planners are eying a $65,000 grant opportunity from the state Department of Environmental Conservation for tree replacement at Point Gratiot. However, “DEC tells me they’re not going to have an award decision until December at the earliest.” DeJoy added, “It doesn’t quite align with the next round of funding they have.”
— Dunkirk was not awarded a grant for asphalt urban art, a project related to the Central Connection initiative with the village of Fredonia and SUNY Fredonia. DeJoy said he’s working with GoBike Buffalo to get Ralph Wilson Foundation funding for the art.