First State arts advocates met with state legislators Tuesday.
The Delaware Arts and Culture Caucus is a group of lawmakers who champion the arts in the General Assembly and community. Tuesday’s meeting was hosted by State Sen. Elizabeth Lockman and State Representative Bryan Shupe.
The Delaware Arts Alliance outlined its Creative Economy and Cultural Tourism Growth Plan, part of national efforts to recognize the arts as an economy independent from tourism and hospitality.
The Alliance’s executive director Neil Kirschling says sessions with lawmakers like this one are important in making that case.
“Certainly having this arts and culture caucus here in Dover is such a great asset to the state, too, that there are legislators here saying ‘Yes, we’re ready to work with you, and so, we’re excited for that.’”
Delaware Div. of the Arts Director Jessica Ball and Deputy Director Kristin Stapleton also reviewed DDOA’s current goals and accomplishments. The Division is seeking an additional million dollars in the 2025 state budget.
Kirschling says the state’s initiatives include building a strong arts economy from the artist to the consumer.
“Artists in our organizations are having to think through their business models and ‘How are we making ourselves relevant in today’s day and age and necessary to our communities.’”
The Arts and Culture Caucus meets again in April.
Delaware Public Media’ s arts coverage is made possible, in part, by support from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency dedicated to nurturing and supporting the arts in Delaware, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts.