Delhi Air Pollution: As AQI crosses 700, here are 5 gadgets to keep you safe

The air quality in Delhi has been a major concern for many years, especially during the winter months when a lethal cocktail of pollutants envelops the city. This year too, as we have entered the month of November, the environment in the Delhi-NCR region has already turned into a gas chamber, with AQI levels skyrocketing to as high as 700 in some areas.


Changing weather patterns, festive fireworks, agricultural residue burning, and vehicle emissions are adding toxins to the environment, making it unbreathable, especially for people with respiratory problems such as asthma.

To safeguard public health, the government is closing schools and advising people to limit outdoor activities. Checking the air quality index before going anywhere is also recommended. Meanwhile, there are some recommended gadgets that can help maintain indoor air quality and prevent breathing problems, protecting you from the perils of Delhi’s air pollution.

Gadgets to keep you safe from air pollution

  • Air Purifiers: Air purifiers are essential during extreme air pollution episodes, as they help in removing fine particles, allergens, odours, and harmful gases from indoor air. High-quality air purifiers with HEPA filters and activated carbon can help reduce particulate matter and harmful pollutants, providing a safer environment for breathing, especially for people with respiratory issues like asthma. Brands like Dyson and Philips even offer air purifiers at different price ranges, so you can choose one that fits your needs and budget.

  • N99/FFP2 Masks: If you need to go outside, a certified N99 or FFP2 mask can help filter out harmful airborne particles and protect your respiratory health. They help in filtering out harmful airborne particles and protecting your lungs from the dangers of PM2.5 and other pollutants. These masks create a physical barrier that traps toxic air, helping you breathe cleaner and safer.

  • Personal Air Quality Sensors and air Quality Monitors: Wearable air quality sensors can help you monitor the air quality around you and take steps to protect yourself. You can also bring an air quality monitor to measure common air pollutants. These monitors can be used both indoors and outdoors, and can alert us to unsafe pollutant levels, helping us make informed decisions about our indoor air quality and well-being. You can also check for AIr Quality Index on your smartphones and smartwatches.

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    Humidifiers: Humidifiers can help to improve indoor air quality by adding moisture to the air, which can cause pollutants to become heavier and fall to the ground. This can be especially helpful for reducing levels of dust, pollen, and other particulate matter. Additionally, humidifiers can make the air in your home more comfortable and inviting, and reduce static electricity. While using a humidifier avoid placing your humidifier near vents or other air intakes, as this can draw dust and other pollutants into the mist.

  • Inhalers and breathing analyzers: During times of extreme air pollution, breathing analyzers can be used to help people manage their breathing and avoid respiratory problems. Breathing analyzers can also help people to identify any signs of respiratory distress, so that they can seek medical attention promptly. Inhalers, on the other hand, will help you in cases of breathing distress. To use inhalers, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions and monitor your breathing regularly.

Published By:

Divya Bhati

Published On:

Nov 3, 2023

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