This meeting will be conducted live and virtually through Microsoft Teams.
Virtual meeting link can be found on the MAB webpage:
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Minutes and approval of the minutes
- Update from the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Review of the Proposed MAB Bylaws
- Vote for the Positions outlined in the Bylaws
- Biosketch information for nominees
- Vote to approve the Bylaws
- Vote to elect the MAB Chair
- Vote to elect the MAB Vice-chair
- Vote to elect the three MAB representatives for the Executive Council
- Discussion of revisions to the Medical History Form
- Potential action item regarding Medical History Form
- Opportunities for revisions to the DL 45
- Review of the MAB Guidelines and any potential recommendations to the Guidelines
- Recommendations for the Guidelines
- Update on MAB Exceptional Item (EI)
- Statutory and Rule Revision Discussion
- Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 12, Subchapter H, §§12.091-12.098
- Texas Administrative Code, Subchapter L, Rules §§1.151-1.152
- Public Comment
- Next Meeting Priorities
- Next Meeting
- Adjourn
Public Comment: The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) welcomes public comments pertaining to topics related to Emergency Health Care. Members of the public are encouraged to participate in this process by providing written public comment to DSHS by emailing [email protected] no later than 5:00 p.m., November 21, 2023, 2023. Please include your name and either the organization you are representing or that you are speaking as a private citizen. Written comments are limited to three minutes and will be read during the meeting for consideration by the Council. The request must contain your name, the name of the organization you represent or that you are speaking as a private citizen, and your direct phone number.
Public comment is limited to three minutes. Speakers must state their name, affiliation, and on whose behalf they are speaking. Public members who are using handouts are asked to provide an electronic copy in accessible pdf format that will be distributed by DSHS staff to Council members, state staff, and for public distribution. Handouts are limited to two pages of documentation (paper size: 8.5” by 11”, one side only). Handouts must be emailed to DSHS no later than 5:00 p.m., November 21, 2023, and include the name of the person who will be commenting.
Note: These procedures may be revised at the discretion of DSHS.
Contact: Questions regarding agenda items, content, or meeting arrangements should be directed to Jorie Klein, DSHS, at 512-535-8538< or [email protected].
People with disabilities who wish to attend the meeting and require auxiliary aids or services should contact [email protected] at 512-535-8538 or at least 72 hours before the meeting so appropriate arrangements can be made.