Diplomas on hold for 27 Fresno auto students due to overlooked equipment repair

27 Fresno City College automotive students won’t receive their diplomas next week because they have yet to complete a class in smog check procedure training.

The class is offered every spring semester but was canceled this year because the dynamometer, a vital piece of equipment, was never professionally recalibrated to industry standards.

Student Francisco Leal complained to the State Center Community College District Board.

“This delay not only affects our ability to graduate on time but also impedes our eligibility to take the California Smog technician exam upon completion of the spring 2024 semester,” Leal said.

Marty Kamimoto who heads up the FCC Applied Technology Division, says the dynamometer has been gathering dust at the West Fresno Campus auto shop for more than a year.

“They left the main campus on April 16, 2023, and they arrived at West Fresno Campus at that time and they sat for over a year,” Kamimoto said.

A Utah company can get the dynamometer back in service.

When Kamimoto put in a requisition to fund the project he hit a wall with FCC Administrative Services.

“I’ve been with the district for 27 years and we’ve run into a bottleneck situation where it does not take 90 to 120 days to get a requisition approved,” Kamimoto said.

FCC President Robert Pimentel got involved and the funding issue was resolved.

Automotive student Andrew Flores shared his disappointment with the board.

“The last thing they needed whether to get a raise and make more money or graduate with a certificate in automotive technology,” Flores said.

Graduation for 27 students has been put on hold.

To help curb the disappointment Fresno City College will now offer the smog training class during the summer session.

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