DNA Test Disproves Woman’s Claim to Be Madeleine McCann

A report says that a DNA test showed that a woman who said she was Madeleine McCann, a British child who went missing in 2007, was lying.

In February, 21-year-old Julia Wendell said she was Madeleine McCann. She said she looked like the girl who went missing 16 years ago while on vacation with her parents in Portugal. A friend of McCann’s family told the Daily Beast that the parents of the missing child might follow up on the DNA test. However, Wendell’s caretaker and private investigator, Dr. Fia Johansson says the results show that Wendell isn’t the answer McCann’s parents have been looking for. “She comes from Poland for sure,” Johansson said. “She is mostly Polish, but she has a small amount of Lithuanian and Russian in her.”