TOLEDO, Ohio (WTVG) – With the big swing in temperatures we’ve seen, what impact, if any, does it have on wildlife? The approximate 50-degree temperature difference between Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon had a lot of us making wardrobe adjustments. Experts say it’s not as disruptive to wildlife.
Nature’s Nursery cares for thousands of injured and orphaned wild animals every year. Allison Aey is the Executive Director.
“We’re starting to see bats coming in with the cold temps we had last week that were not in hibernation or disturbed from hibernation. We have lots of squirrels. We’re pretty much out of baby season, so we’re starting to get more adult animals with injuries into the center,” Aey said.
Of course, like us, a lot of animals are getting ready for the change in seasons.
“Some of the animals getting ready to hibernate or start to slow down like bats, reptiles and amphibians so this weather may wake them back up. If the insects are out, they will get a last meal before it gets really cold,” Aey said.
For the most part, Aey says the drastic temperature shifts don’t have a drastic impact on wildlife.
“If it was December or January it would definitely throw things out of whack a bit, but for now it’s really just giving the animals that last-minute prep time before the cold weather comes,” Aey said.
Aey says animals are well-suited to survive all the changes Mother Nature throws their way in the course of a year, or even in a matter of hours, like this week.
“The animals are built for the weather swings. They can adjust to the cold temps at night and the warmer temps during the day probably even better than we do as we change our wardrobe three times a day to accommodate it,” Aey said.
On a side note, this kind of weather is no doubt inspiring some of you to do yard and garden work. Leaders at Nature’s Nursery suggest you leave some or even all the leaves on the ground saying it will be better for the environment and your lawn in the long run.
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