Dolly Parton Famously Modeled Her Wardrobe After That of 1940s Lingerie Models

She’s not ashamed to say it, but Dolly Parton got her famous style and fashion ideas from lingerie models.

In fact, the 77-year-old country music star told People magazine that the catalog of Frederick’s of Hollywood, a lingerie brand whose main store used to be a landmark on Hollywood Boulevard but is no longer in business, helped her feel good about her own style.

Parton said, “I was kind of influenced by those early days, with women that I would see, like the loose women in our town, or just people that I’d see in magazines.” She also said that the models in the Frederick’s catalog “spoke to me.”

The singer of “Jolene” said that it was important for her to be happy with herself before she expected other people to “accept” her racy looks perfect suited her own style and personality.

She said, “I was never one to care as much about what other people thought of me as I felt about what I thought of me, because I felt if I was comfortable in whatever I was wearing, then people would be comfortable around me.”

In fact, the 9 to 5 singer has always loved her “over the top” fashion choices, even though they got her in a lot of trouble as a child.

Parton, who is Miley Cyrus’s godmother, told The Guardian in the past that the men in her neighborhood, including her grandfather and father, “hated the way she dressed” and would often “physically punish” her for it.

As Parton put it, “sometimes there’s just that part of you that’s willing, if you want something bad enough, to go for it.”
