Help make history, Boycott Inauguration Day, by turning your TV off at 12 o’clock on January 20. Make this inauguration the least-watched live event in the history of television. What an incredible message to the new administration. And for someone who loves to talk about crowd size, this is not going to make him very happy. It will put him on notice that we, the people, also have power! What a wonderful way to make Martin Luther King proud with an old-school approach to change. So tell your friends and tell your friends to tell their friends. Don’t presume people are not going to watch. Let’s make sure everyone doesn’t.
Turn the TV to PBS so all the civil rights documentaries will get the ratings. Also, at 9 a.m., Joseph Robinson will give a lecture on PCN titled, “MLK: The Man, the Myth, the Martyr.” Spread the Word 🙏🏾