DPI seeks sponsors for summer nutrition program

RALEIGH — More than one million North Carolina students rely on the nutritious meals and snacks served during the school year through the School Breakfast, School Lunch and Afterschool Meals Programs. When school is out of session, North Carolina’s Summer Nutrition Programs help fill the gap by providing free meals and snacks to children, ages 18 and younger, who might otherwise go hungry.

The N.C. Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) is seeking schools and community organizations to serve as sponsors for Summer Nutrition Programs in 2024 to help ensure children who have limited access to food at home get the educational enrichment and nutritious meals they need for optimal growth, development and overall well-being. 

Of particular need are schools and community organizations in rural areas, Indian Tribal Territories, and areas with a concentration of migrant farm workers, where access to summer meal sites or transportation has been an issue. New federal regulations permit sponsors with a rural designation to apply for State Agency approval to allow meals for multiple days to be taken away from the meal site for children to enjoy throughout the week.

Last summer, NCDPI approved 175 sponsors to help provide reimbursable meals for children. Through these community partnerships, community and school sites served over 3.9 million meals to hungry children at 2,492 sites across the state.

N.C. Summer Nutrition Programs are administered by the NCDPI, Office of School Nutrition, with federal assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). NCDPI collaborates with public school units, charter and non-public schools, public and private non-profit organizations, and other community partners to serve as program sponsors. Sponsors are eligible to receive federal reimbursement for all qualifying meals served to children.

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Catherine Truitt underscored the importance of community partnerships to support students’ nutrition needs during the summer.

“By increasing the number of community sponsors, we can provide meals to more food-insecure children across all of North Carolina, from urban centers to rural communities,” Truitt said. “Participation in Summer Nutrition Programs provides children with critical nutrients for continued growth, development and learning in addition to key educational enrichment while school is out.”  

The Summer Food Service Program and Seamless Summer Option are extensions of the National School Lunch Program. Both were established by USDA to ensure economically disadvantaged children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is out of session. 

The core purpose of these programs is to bridge the gap of food insecurity for children eligible for free- or reduced-priced school meals. Acceptable sites may be a location where meals are served in a supervised setting and open to all children in the community or one that serves specific children at a summer camp.

 Summer Nutrition Programs are typically located in economically distressed areas to serve the most food-insecure, vulnerable students. Meal sites may be located at schools, public housing centers, playgrounds, camps, parks, medical centers, faith-based facilities, libraries and other locations. Meals served at all sites must be provided at no charge to eligible children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), age or disability. Registration and ID are not required.

To learn more about N.C. Summer Nutrition Programs and how your organization may become involved in providing summer meals to children in your community, visit the NCDPI, Summer Nutrition Program website or contact the NCDPI, Summer Nutrition Program team.  


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