Easter Home Decor That Won’t Make Your Space Feel Cheesy

Whether or not you’re hosting a gathering or just want to embrace the season and celebrate the occasion in the comfort of your own home, we have all the decor you need. 

When you think of Easter home decor, your mind may immediately flash to those glaringly vibrant plastic eggs you used to collect as a child in the yard, or maybe a giant chocolate bunny and an Easter door sticker for all the neighborhood to see. While those things may bring on a tinge of nostalgia, that’s not what we’re after here. As chic, ultrafeminine women in our 20s and 30s, we want our space to feel stylish and elevated, but we also don’t want to miss out on celebrating special holidays. 

Thankfully, brands have stepped up their game since we were kids, and much of the home decor available now can be described as anything but cheesy. Let’s explore our favorite Easter home decor you’re going to be sad to take down come April. 

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