Ed Sheeran Credits Jamal Edwards for Helping Launch His Career

Ed Sheeran said that he talked to his late friend and fellow star Jamal Edwards just hours before he died.

The singer of “Shape of You” started by talking about his last conversation with Edwards. He also talked about how the late son of “Loose Women” star Brenda Edwards helped him get started in music.

Sheeran talked about how Edwards’ help made “everything starts to fall into place” during his Saturday appearance on the Jonathan Ross Show.

“I was a struggling musician on the rise who wanted people to take me seriously, but no one did.

“I was fat, had ginger hair that was all tangled up, played a tiny guitar, rapped and beatboxed, and everyone kind of thought I was a joke,” he said.

“Jamal put me on his channel, which was the coolest channel on YouTube at the time, and as soon as he did, everything started to work out.”

Edwards, who was 31 when he died in February of last year, started the music platform SBTV in 2006.

Sheeran went on to say, “We were supposed to be making a music video the day he died.” He also said that he and Edwards talked on the phone for “maybe four hours.”

Sheeran’s sixth studio album, “” which is the mathematical symbol for “subtract,” will come out on May 5.