Is there a cure for cancer?
Since Hippocrates (460–370 BC) gave the disease a name in ancient times, humanity
has searched for an answer to this deadly medical dilemma. However, centuries of research,
technological advances, and medicinal innovations have not yielded a foolproof remedy.
The quest to discover history’s most elusive antidote, at this point, is not unlike
hunting a unicorn. Unlikely. Improbable. Impossible.
What if the cure to cancer weren’t a pill or a shot or a magic, digestible elixir
available to patients after a diagnosis? What if, in fact, we didn’t have to cure
cancer, but we stopped it from developing in the first place?
Madison Johnson, a Seaver College sophomore, and Antonio Gomez, an assistant professor
of biology, have been asking themselves these questions for the past year as they’ve
immersed themselves in the study of preventative cancer care and, possibly, come one
step closer to reshaping history.
“Our hypothesis is that there are sleeping, dormant genes in our genome that, when
we activate them, can actually cause cancer cells to stop growing,” says Gomez. “This
thought has been around for a couple of years, but has remained largely outside of
the scientific publications. So our work is a proof of concept.”
Gomez and Johnson’s hypothesis requires the use of CRISPR, a gene-editing tool that
allows researchers to target specific segments of DNA for either activation, alteration,
or deletion. Though the concept of CRISPR sounds like science fiction, the tool possesses
the ability to reshape the reality of the medical landscape. Gomez and Johnson’s hypothesis
proves as much, as they believe CRISPR can be deployed to activate specific genes
in a strand of DNA that proliferate cancer cell suppressants. The activation of these
genes could save those genetically predisposed to cancer.
“I came to Pepperdine wanting to work with CRISPR,” says Johnson. “That was one of
my goals for my undergraduate studies. Immediately upon entering the Natural Science
Division at Seaver College, I met Dr. Gomez, who was already working with the technology.”
Johnson’s fascination with CRISPR only grew once she started studying the medical
possibilities of the technology. Researching alongside Gomez, Johnson learned that
CRISPR does more than edit out negative genes; it also possesses the ability to activate
positive ones. Hooked, she approached her new mentor seeking an opportunity to study
gene editing throughout the summer.
“When she first approached me about further research, I had just completed my first
year at Pepperdine, and I didn’t have a lab space ready,” says Gomez, with a smile.
“ I said, ‘I would love to work with you, but I actually don’t have any lab space.
I don’t even have any equipment or reagents. We’re building everything from scratch.’”
A first-generation college student from Arvin, California, Gomez spent his summers
as a teen working in local fields. He dreamed of going to college and eventually graduated
from the University of California, Berkeley with a degree in chemical biology, prior
to earning his PhD in microbiology and immunology at Stanford University. This background
accustomed the biology professor to entering unfamiliar territory. Thus, embarking
upon relatively unstudied CRISPR concepts was not a difficult step to take.
With little to no lab space or equipment and a dramatically novel concept to explore,
Gomez and Johnson launched into their study during the summer of 2023. They poured
over the existing literature surrounding their concept, used microscopes, incubators,
and CRISPR to implement and observe their experiment, and began recording the first
of their findings.
Johnson worked off benches she found in the teaching lab; Gomez continued to construct
their own experimental space. The two forged their way forward with the same goal
in mind—find a safer solution to treat cancer.
In the midst of the process, they discovered that when one specific gene, GAS1, is
upregulated by CRISPR activation, cancer cell growth rates decrease at a dramatic
rate. This finding guided the rest of their summer research and experiments.
Racing ahead of an innovation like Johnson and Gomez’s is a conversation about ethics.
Much is still unknown about how gene editing could affect human patients and their
offspring, but beyond that, there is a larger moral dilemma as researchers, practitioners,
and the general public weigh in on the morality of reworking nature.
“There are many different, groundbreaking implications with this technology because
it is just so revolutionary,” explains Johnson. “I am just grateful to be learning
and researching the topic here at Pepperdine—a Christian institution. It’s a safe
place to learn about it. I think it’s important to be well educated and conversant
about the concept so that, when the time comes, we can provide valuable and ethically
informed input.”
Gomez and Johnson considered the murky ethical and moral foundation of CRISPR as they
conducted their study. The beauty, they believe, of their potential cancer solution
is that rather than altering one’s genetic makeup, it demonstrates that a potential
remedy rests within everyone’s DNA already. It simply must be activated.
Gomez explains, “One of the benefits of CRISPR activation technology is that we’re
not changing the sequences of the DNA itself. We’re basically bringing in proteins
that will activate a specific gene, but creates no danger of that particular modification
being passed on to the next generation. This provides a natural safeguard for patients.”
Today, research regarding CRISPR is ongoing at Pepperdine. After one summer of building
lab space and conducting experiments from scratch, Gomez and Johnson are writing a
report of their findings that they hope to soon publish in a scholarly journal. In
the meantime, Johnson is presented the concept at the Southern California Conference
for Undergraduate Research hosted by California State University, Fullerton, on November
While the work is far from finished, Gomez and Johnson’s project is contributing to
the worldwide quest to uncover the cure to cancer. Though the battle has been ongoing
for centuries, an end could be in sight, and it could help humanity defeat a multitude
of troublesome illnesses.
“In the dream scenario, when you walk into the doctor’s office, they will have not
only a record of your vaccines and blood work, but also an understandable copy of
your genome,” says Gomez. “That way we can track, treat, and hopefully cure diseases
we may be susceptible to.”