Education conference focuses on mental health, well-being

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The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) will bring together school mental health and well-being professionals from counties, schools and communities across the state as part of the Student Support Conference.

The conference is slated for 9 a.m., Wednesday, Nov. 29, and 8 a.m., Thursday, Nov,. 30, at Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center in Charleston, WVa.

The conference provides a forum for county directors, homelessness support liaisons, school counselors, school social workers, school psychologists, Communities In Schools (CIS) coordinators, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, and community partners to learn from nationally renowned professionals, participate in WVDE professional development and share best practices.

The purpose is to strengthen information channels and resources within the statewide student mental health and well-being network.

Student mental health issues continue to rise because of the ongoing opioid epidemic in the state and recovery from the global Covid-19 pandemic. This two-day conference will assist school mental health personnel to meet students’ growing needs through plenary sessions and focused breakout workshops.

Keynote speakers include Micki Arvin, an advocate living in recovery, nationally recognized authors of Disrupting Poverty, William Parrot and Kathleen Budge, and a panel of school mental health providers from Fayette County.

Arvin will share her experiences on Nov. 29 during the 1 p.m. plenary session. Parrot and Budge’s plenary session at 8 a.m. on Nov. 30 will discuss practices that permeate the culture of successful high-poverty schools. The panel from Fayette Co. will share best practices in collaborating to meet the needs of students on Nov. 30 at 10:45 a.m.

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