Essential car maintenance tips for winter

As winter descends upon us, it brings along challenges for both drivers and their vehicles. Cold temperatures can take a toll on your car’s performance and longevity. 

To ensure a safe and smooth winter driving experience, it’s crucial to give your vehicle the attention it deserves. 

After sharing vehicle maintenance tips for the rainy season, this time we are back with some essential car maintenance tips to help navigate through the winter chill, especially in the notorious dry and dusty season.

Check and maintain your battery

The cold temperatures can significantly reduce your car battery’s efficiency. It’s essential to check the battery’s charge and terminals regularly. If your battery is more than three years old, consider replacing it before winter hits. Cold weather demands more power from the battery, and a weak one may leave you stranded in the cold. It is always advisable to 

<span class="jwMediaContent jw_media_holder aligncenter" data-align="aligncenter" id="ari-image-jw657f048fbd47b" data-ari="{"path":"media/2023/12/17/3-07b07b377d6164ace50e90bb30a8e894.jpeg","width":"700","alt":"3","fullscreen":1,"align":"alignfull","viewPort":".featured_image","url":"","id":"jw657f048fbd47b","caption":"Tires","wrapCaption":"Tires“}”>Tires

Inspect and replace worn tires

Traction is paramount during winter, and your tires play a vital role in providing it. Inspect the tread depth and condition of your tires regularly. If the tread is worn out, consider replacing them with winter or all-season tires designed to handle snowy and icy conditions. 

Proper tire pressure is equally important, as it affects your vehicle’s stability and fuel efficiency.

Top off fluids

Cold weather can cause fluids to thicken, making it harder for your vehicle to operate smoothly. 

Check and top off essential fluids such as engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, and windshield washer fluid. Additionally, consider using winter-grade oil, as it performs better in low temperatures and provides improved engine protection.

You may look into the grade of the lubricant in our previous article regarding which one is the most suitable for which weather. 

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Replace worn wiper blades and fill washer fluid

Towards the end of the winter, it’s ideal to change the wiper blades before the rainy season. 

Remember, visibility is crucial for safe driving. Replace worn wiper blades and fill up your windshield washer fluid reservoir with a winter-grade solution, if you are living in freezing temperatures. It contains antifreeze components that prevent the fluid from freezing on your windshield, ensuring clear visibility. However, that’s not too important for Bangladeshi winter. 

Inspect the braking system

A properly functioning braking system is vital for winter driving safety. Have your brake pads, rotors, and brake fluid checked by a professional. Ensuring your brakes are in top condition can make all the difference in stopping safely, as accumulating winter dust can severely affect the braking performance. 

Keep the fuel tank full

During winter, it’s advisable to keep your fuel tank at least half full. A fuller tank helps prevent condensation, which can lead to fuel line freeze-up. 

Additionally, having sufficient fuel provides a buffer in case you get stranded or stuck in traffic due to winter weather conditions.

Maintaining in sub-zero temperatures

Protect your car’s exterior

Again, for those living abroad or planning to move, winter road salt and ice can wreak havoc on your car’s exterior. Regularly wash and wax your vehicle to protect the paint and prevent rust. 

Pay attention to the undercarriage, as salt can accumulate there and cause corrosion over time.

Applying a rust inhibitor can provide an extra layer of protection.

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Prepare an emergency kit

Winter weather can be unpredictable, and it’s wise to be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances. Create an emergency kit for your car that includes essentials such as a blanket, flashlight, extra warm clothing, non-perishable snacks, and a first aid kit. 

Additionally, keep a small shovel, ice scraper, and a bag of sand or kitty litter in your trunk to assist with traction on slippery surfaces.


Winter can be a challenging season for drivers, but with proper car maintenance, you can ensure a safer and more reliable driving experience. By following these essential tips, you not only protect your vehicle but also enhance your safety on winter roads. 

Taking the time to prepare your car for the colder months ahead is an investment in both your vehicle’s longevity and your peace of mind during the winter season.

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