Everett Public Schools art teacher awarded state award

EVERETT, NOV. 15: Art teacher Nicole Dibble from Madison Elementary School was honored this month with a prestigious Washington State Museum Art Educator award. 

The award is given to an employee or volunteer that stands out above and beyond all their peers in local and state level of participation and advocacy, the Washington Art Education Association (WAEA) website said. She was one of ten art teachers from Everett Public Schools who participated in the conference.

“Nicole Dibble is a passionate visual arts teacher and advocate dedicated to nurturing creativity in our youngest students,” Visual & Performing Arts Facilitator P-12 Tami Coffman, said. “With a gentle approach, she teaches them how to explore art materials, fostering both success and artistic expression.”

Dibble received the award at the annual WAEA Conference in Ellensburg. WAEA’s mission is to gather, promote and grow art education in Washington State.

Dibble was the Schack Art Center Education Coordinator last year and has work as a Visual Arts Teacher with Madison Elementary School this year. Between the center and the school, she has been able to develop multiple educational programs. 

This year she served as an Art Instructor for the Art Sparks! program. Art Sparks! is a hands-on artmaking class for children ages 3-6 years old. The program run in the Everett schools, as well as an Art and Friendship Club both in partnership with the Schack Art Center through grant funding.

Dibble has been teaching visual art for 11 years in public elementary and middle schools.

In her nomination letter, Raedle Alburn, Development and Education Director k-12 from the Schack Art Center, wrote, “She is the most outspoken advocate for Arts Education for ALL students I have ever met.”

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