Explore Minnesota Film attracting new movie, television projects in 2025

A new state agency called Explore Minnesota Film opened its doors in 2024.

Since 2021, state lawmakers have committed to $25 million each year in tax incentives for movie and television production houses if they spend a minimum of $1 million on a project in the state.

Explore Minnesota Executive Director Lauren Bennett McGinty told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS the new state agency is gaining momentum, and the future, with the tax incentives, is bright.

“And, since 2021, there have been fourteen projects that meet that one million dollar minimum threshold for qualifying for that tax credit,” said Bennett McGinty. 

Explore Minnesota said the movie and TV industry in the state is directly responsible for more than 7,600 jobs and $470 million in wages over the past four years.

“So we’re starting to see increased interest and that’s 14 projects over a million dollars in budget over the last few years,” said McGinty. “So, we’re really hoping to grow that over the next several years.”

The state agency also told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS there already is a film in pre-production up north, which includes an Emmy-award-winning actor. There are no contracts signed yet, but they’re optimistic that they will begin production later this year with two Academy Award-winning actors as part of the cast.

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